Nov 29th 2010, 19:04:57
still oozing its vile bile of guile under our communty's victorious boots, it is time to consider the future of this server.
Slagpit has said that altering gov types is not on the table for the foreseeable future. That debate has to be held but the one year anniversary of the gov type changes is coming in a couple of months so that is a natural time for that debate. On a side note, i think the winner of the last set was an F for most of the set if true then
noble slagpit was right.
The debate that is on the table is what to do about spies on the server. I believe that spies on this server are 84% weaker as revenue sources than they are on primary.
Yes 84% weaker.
Something has to be done about that to keep the server in balance.
The factors which figure into that calculation include the fact that in express you only get one spy op for every 3.6 turns while in primary you get one spy op for every turn. In addition, on express the techers can hide 45% of their tech on the market while on primary they can only hide 25%.
The reduction in power as a revenue source is not universally mourned. Some netters think spies ought to be banned and that LGs ought to be outlawed.
i propose we consider the impact of the oct10 changes and the subsequent forum posts by the cheating-whiner, JJ.
After his noobish move of leaving 40 million bushels vulnerable he whined for three straight sets. As a result slagpit, dantzig and i all posted the information that there is no reason whatsoever for any stock to ever be vulnerable to spies. With these lessons in mind, many players hid their stock last set.
In sets past, there were five or six players with $1.9B in cash stock defended by minimal defense and few spies. This set there was only one between 60 and 12 and only one who had a ton of spyless tech. There were none with stupid high food stocks. If players in fact keep hiding their stock on the market, then spies as a revenue source under the current rules are obsolete. There was only one player who had over $1B and five or six with just under $500 million. My belief for advancing into the top ten is that a high spy jetter country has to get seven $100 million dollar hits, there was only one available last set.
Even though spy ops are tightly restricted on this server, it still costs just as much to manufacture spies.
My proposal is that we greatly increase the yield from the small amount of spy ops we do allow.
thanks for your consideration, and as always reasonable responses welcome
Slagpit has said that altering gov types is not on the table for the foreseeable future. That debate has to be held but the one year anniversary of the gov type changes is coming in a couple of months so that is a natural time for that debate. On a side note, i think the winner of the last set was an F for most of the set if true then
noble slagpit was right.
The debate that is on the table is what to do about spies on the server. I believe that spies on this server are 84% weaker as revenue sources than they are on primary.
Yes 84% weaker.
Something has to be done about that to keep the server in balance.
The factors which figure into that calculation include the fact that in express you only get one spy op for every 3.6 turns while in primary you get one spy op for every turn. In addition, on express the techers can hide 45% of their tech on the market while on primary they can only hide 25%.
The reduction in power as a revenue source is not universally mourned. Some netters think spies ought to be banned and that LGs ought to be outlawed.
i propose we consider the impact of the oct10 changes and the subsequent forum posts by the cheating-whiner, JJ.
After his noobish move of leaving 40 million bushels vulnerable he whined for three straight sets. As a result slagpit, dantzig and i all posted the information that there is no reason whatsoever for any stock to ever be vulnerable to spies. With these lessons in mind, many players hid their stock last set.
In sets past, there were five or six players with $1.9B in cash stock defended by minimal defense and few spies. This set there was only one between 60 and 12 and only one who had a ton of spyless tech. There were none with stupid high food stocks. If players in fact keep hiding their stock on the market, then spies as a revenue source under the current rules are obsolete. There was only one player who had over $1B and five or six with just under $500 million. My belief for advancing into the top ten is that a high spy jetter country has to get seven $100 million dollar hits, there was only one available last set.
Even though spy ops are tightly restricted on this server, it still costs just as much to manufacture spies.
My proposal is that we greatly increase the yield from the small amount of spy ops we do allow.
thanks for your consideration, and as always reasonable responses welcome