Right now I am moving into a new home and won't have net access till the 5th of October minimum. In what form or way AoDT will return is not clear or discussed yet.
But the crew that has played AoDT for the past year will remain together in TKO (and a few in PAN) for now.
I am sure that if LAE was FAing a clan that we were at war with then those countries would be added to our kill list. It's a moot point though cause they wouldn't do that to us.
I'm sorry isn't that somewhat double standards then :-P or would you have those LaE countries killed never the less then?
Ah drama, I stand by my statement, no matter who's countries they were, if we had anything resembling proof, they would be dead.
LAE is our only ally, doubt they would try to screw us over. If they did, we picked wrong allies. Point is moot though cause you are just trying to stir crap up... Then again, everyone has to have some sort of profession :P
If you want me to flat out say we are gonna kill their countries if it was them, I won't say that.
With LAE since they are our allies it would be a FA matter, and yes the easiest thing to do would be to kill em. With anyone who is not our allies, aka everyone else, it would not be an FA matter.
Yes... one standard for clans that you ARE allied too. And one standard for ones that are NOT allied to you.
Our FA position would start at, those countries die. But since they are allies we have to meet em halfway and come to a solution we both agree on.... called diplomacy. We do diplomacy every once in a while.
Well, Why not, Maki? The military and other aid, is directly related to the FAer, making it an enemy just by gifting weapons and cash!
As I ask that question, I'm reminded that some will look for and USE ANYTHING to help themselves, even if it involves innocent countries, in another tag, to not only possibly getting caught, but exposing their clan, causing them some trouble the tag may want nothing to do with, eh?
I believe our first thought was to give the rotten crotches who FA'd Pan, to our police. They would deal with the FA'ers, and we would stop the hearts of those FA'ees...
We wouldn't really have much time to look for this type of thing, usually, but this was SO blatant, sticking out like a sore thumb. Maybe that was the whole point, eh? To see if it could be done, and no one get's caught? This seems to make the most sense, to me.. If it's the case, whomever it was that initiated it, and kept the FAers secret, I'm gonna toast to 'them', even if it's Maki's under handy work!
Set's not over yet though.. We may still catch whom ever it was.