For public land won't matter. Depends on the # of people going TMBR. For most sets there has been a lot of military even late in the set with like 1 week left.
i destocked 2b bushels with 5 days left. but i did that on the private market with 50k acres.
3 sets ago i destocked 12 countries with 450m+ bushels each on the private all at once with a week left and i was buying jets/turrets for 140 on the pub. it depends what prices look like really.
I'm guessing you'd do it as TMBR? If thats the case, you can drop about $1.6 billion cash a day on your PM as a 20k acre TMBR. If you sell 2b bushels at $40, thats 80b cash, which takes 50 days to drop on a 20k acre TMBR's private market.