Originally posted by Dragon:
Good point. It depends on how many members you have and how they're set up.
My point was that no clan can afford to be perceived as a landfarm, K4F and if NBK's 5 attacks per day are against a 32 country clan, that's way different than 5 attacks against a 320 country clan.
But yes. a 100 country clan should easily be able to handle 10 retals a day. In fact, 10 retals a day would be very nice provided that they aren't topfeeds (real or disguised) being retalled.
NBK does go out of its way to limit its attacks on smaller clans, our intention is not to swamp people with so many retals they cannot do anything.
And even when NBK was grabbing hard last set/the set before, over a week I think it averaged out to 3 attacks a day, 1 day getting 5 hits, one getting 6. The 6th was 2:1 retalled.