
JJosh Game profile


Apr 3rd 2011, 22:19:56

Clans in the 100 more or less country zone like Ares and SOTA to have a even server base.....

whats with these colossal clans like CC and NKB... i understand war, and netting... but 400?? lol, just dinnin... i mean sayin...


FFA ~ Ares
Alliance ~ SoL
#JJosh on your server

JJosh Game profile


Apr 3rd 2011, 22:24:36

dont worry.. i will discourse w/myself ... hrms
FFA ~ Ares
Alliance ~ SoL
#JJosh on your server

Twain Game profile


Apr 3rd 2011, 23:07:23

I agree. While I hate losing two good members like Link and PapaSmurf, I'm happy to see they went off on their own to create their own clan. I don't begrudge NBK or CC for their current size, but I would hope that they'd turn away any random recruits to the other clans (friends are different, if it's something you're already friends with, you might just want to play together).

mrford Game profile


Apr 3rd 2011, 23:20:28

well then, recruit

thats all we at CC did, we recruited hard for about 4 days and we gained 100+ countries.

making a post on FFAT announcing you are recruiting does not count. you need to troll IRC, bother people that say they have no interest in FFA. tell them about all the new changes that make it easier to run multiple countries. i cant tell you how many people we accepted this set that only promised to run 6-8 countries.

dont stand there ant cry that CC and NBK are getting too big when you arnt willing to do any work yourself to increase the size of your clan.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Pain Game profile


Apr 3rd 2011, 23:24:13

ford it doesnt hurt that your main leadership is also leadership in the two biggest alliances in aliance server. id say members of SoF and SoL are more likely to be persauded to try out FFA if thier leaders ask them to.

its not that easy to recruit 100 people, if it was FFA would have a lot more people.
Your mother is a nice woman

mrford Game profile


Apr 3rd 2011, 23:28:03

it doesnt hurt no, however that does not mean you can not also recruit.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Crippler ICD Game profile


Apr 3rd 2011, 23:48:29

we've gained 5-6 members this set

but 3 others are taking it off :P lol

[14:26] <enshula> i cant believe im going to say this
[14:26] <enshula> crippler is giving us correct netting advice

Popcom Game profile


Apr 3rd 2011, 23:55:56

Originally posted by mrford:
it doesnt hurt no, however that does not mean you can not also recruit.


NBK has almost no foot print in 1a. and we still get members.
helps being big already thou, some people dotn want to try small clans in fear of being farm land. hence another reason NBK doesn't promote farming small clans.


~If at first you don't succeed, you are clearly not Popcom~

Twain Game profile


Apr 4th 2011, 0:07:18

There was a time when, for all the LaE did wrong, they typically encouraged people looking for a clan to join one of the smaller clans.

There have been numerous times when Kill4Free and I have both posted things for NBK and PAN along the lines of "We'd be happy to have you, but it might be better to join a smaller clan."

I'm not being critical of CC or NBK, and ford, the fact that you seem to become so offended when anyone says something that is merely a discussion rather than an actual attack shows that you need to try to calm yourself. No one's attacking CC here.

If you want to recruit and become a 1k country super-tag, that's certainly your prerogative. It's all about what you're interests are. If your interest is in having the biggest, baddest clan in FFA, you're doing exactly what you should. If your interest is in being the biggest and baddest, but having competition that allows you to be challenged and promotes the better growth of the game, then perhaps now that you're up around 400, you should start referring anyone new to some of the other clans that you consider yourself friendly with (Notice: Nowhere did I suggest you should actually kick out any of your current members).

It's entirely up to those of you in CC (and NBK, and previously us in PAN, and the folks in LaE). You can handle it however you want, but the fact that you get so defensive about every little mention of your clan is pretty silly.

mrford Game profile


Apr 4th 2011, 0:10:38

dont exactly see were i got defensive. i also do not see where it was necessary to make that a theme in your post. you look pretty stupid.

i was encouraging them to recruit and stop just making posts that they are recruiting then being done with it. All i see are excuses and very little action. no where in those statements was i getting defensive about CC. If anything i was bragging.

Edited By: mrford on Apr 4th 2011, 0:13:14
See Original Post
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Havoc Game profile


Apr 4th 2011, 0:25:51

FFA typically seems to appeal more to warrers as well. Netters are typically a lot lazier.. and laziness doesn't compute that well with FFA, making it harder for some clans to recruit.

and ford you get defensive about pretty much everything.
Unholy Monks | The Omega

mrford Game profile


Apr 4th 2011, 0:27:50

that may be true, but it kinda doesn't change my point does it?
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Twain Game profile


Apr 4th 2011, 0:29:01

Originally posted by mrford:

dont stand there ant cry that CC and NBK are getting too big when you arnt willing to do any work yourself to increase the size of your clan.

I'm a rhetoric and literature teacher. I analyze writing for a living, but nevertheless, it doesn't take a teacher's eye to see the defensive attitude coming through in this response. There are many topics on which I may look stupid, but analyzing writing's not one of them.

Tin Man


Apr 4th 2011, 0:30:50


mrford Game profile


Apr 4th 2011, 0:31:16

Maybe I am just a poor writer then, because that is not exactly me being defensive. That is more like me telling you all to stop fluffing and do something.

Edited By: mrford on Apr 4th 2011, 0:36:18
See Original Post
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Twain Game profile


Apr 4th 2011, 0:45:44

Ultimately, my point is merely that I agree with JJosh. I don't begrudge you for the recruiting you've done so far, it's not your responsibility to care about what's best for the server, so if you want to continue to recruit from other servers and make a 600, or 800, or 1k country super-clan, then good for you.

However, that's not the question that JJosh asked.

He merely asked if it's best for the competitive nature of the server. I think MLB's lack of a salary cap sucks because it allows the Yankees and Red Sox to be two of the best teams every year. I think College hoops during the UCLA run would have been incredibly boring, because there was no parity. I would love to see my Chicago Bulls beat the super-team that the Heat put together because parity is interesting.

When LaE was huge, there was no parity here, and I'll be honest, that was one of the few times I was ever on the "right" side of that equation for the 1 1/2 sets I was in LaE and it was definitely pretty fun to net in the safest atmosphere possible. However, there was no parity on the server.

At 400 countries, CC is not invincible. So there is still parity. The only thing I could see as bad is if CC continued to grow more and more to the point where any war you entered, any set you netted, anything else you decided to do, the end result would be a foregone conclusion before things started.

If you're happy at 400, then I don't even see that as problematic. If you're hoping to continue to get bigger and bigger (relative to the other clans), well then you and I will just have to disagree on whether that's a positive thing for the server.

Twain Game profile


Apr 4th 2011, 0:48:25

on another note, thanks for arguing with me. It's getting me closer to 1k posts :P

mrford Game profile


Apr 4th 2011, 0:51:18

and my point was we spent 4 days recruiting on the alliance server and IRC and we gained 100+ countries

granted we have 2 large player bases to recruit from, but if you recruit for weeks and make it a constant thing, you can grow as well.

but that isnt happening. people make a "WE ARE RECRUTING" thread and sit back and wait for the members to come swarming in. it doesnt work that way.

THAT is my point. defensive or not mister english
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

mrford Game profile


Apr 4th 2011, 0:52:02

who are you talking to? i just passed NOW3P, and im trying to extend my lead before he comes back. you REALLY think i care about this thread?
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Warster Game profile


Apr 4th 2011, 0:52:19

We at tko never actively recruit, and we are lazy netters and we seem to grow a member or 2 a set
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332

mrford Game profile


Apr 4th 2011, 0:53:21

ok, so imagine what would happen if you DID recruit?
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Twain Game profile


Apr 4th 2011, 0:53:56

And that part's a fair point. It just seemed to me that you were getting defensive, and I didn't interpret anything anyone said as an attack.

Twain Game profile


Apr 4th 2011, 0:59:51

That tends to be what happened with us before we lost a few because we ended up warring too much. (reference to Warster)

The die-hard guys that just like to play together of course have all stuck around, but with two of our better players leaving to make SALT and being in two war sets in a row, we'll probably be down from the 250 or so we started last set at to 200 or so now.

The clans like Ares/SOTA/others do need to do more with recruiting, but it does tend to be one of those things where if you're starting out and haven't shown much success yet, it can be very difficult to really recruit. I bugged people all the time in the old FFA to join TIE and we eventually ended up getting a very solid group of netters including a lot of vets that wanted to have a peaceful netting set, but at the same time, we had a lot of sets where I'd bug everyone I knew that might be needing a new home, and they'd run to one of the "super-clans" like PANLV or DUEL. So you're very right on part of this, but at the same time, you have two large clans to recruit from in 1a and already have a successful clan going here as well.

mrford Game profile


Apr 4th 2011, 1:17:26

CC is entering their 2nd set

id hardly call it a well established clan.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Twain Game profile


Apr 4th 2011, 1:29:36

True, but considering CC is the result of SoF and DOOM, which was at least partially AoDT, I'd say you've got some pedigree there.

SoF's done pretty well solo on this server even without the AoDT guys, and AoDT was one of the most powerful clans those first few sets until they disbanded.

braden Game profile


Apr 4th 2011, 1:32:23

i think next reset i will start a primarily netgaining tag. i will start with the weedy netgaining alliance (dates back many years to when i was kicked out of seawolf for cheating.. IF YOU CAN BELIEVE THAT!?!) and has reemerged over the decade a number of times.

or maybe it was lcn who kicked me for cheating.. that would make A LOT more sense :P

aponic Game profile


Apr 4th 2011, 1:52:00

I just disagree with taking on personal responsibility for the distribution of players on a server Twain. You can most certainly act politically to do what is best for the server, but breaking up your own growth is just counter-productive. I have faced a similar argument in alliance with SOF and SOL. The bottom line is that you can not cut off your arm because you are in a game with cripples. I don't mean that as an insult to any other clan here, just that you should not impede yourself to pace your peers.

There are well over 2200 tagged countries this reset. The new growth in CC is new players. Where they play down the road will be up to them. We have successfully brought in new blood. Both llaar and bsnake did come over, but they were part of our 230 tagged countries last set and filled in for two of our prominent players leaving for the next few set (jakahn and pslayer).

Kill4Free Game profile


Apr 4th 2011, 2:13:31

We just need more new players in general, not existing players :P
So many ways to die, only one way to live...

aponic Game profile


Apr 4th 2011, 2:29:22

The admins, and more specifically Slagpit, have gone very far in making that possible.

Bsnake Game profile


Apr 4th 2011, 2:32:36

Twain.... - rhetoric and literature teacher......

i bet my posting makes ur eyes bleed lol
<bsnake> 68,270,386 turrets whats that in NW??
<Crippler> 115m NW
<Bsnake> 38 mill NW nub... thanks for your netting advice.. Stick to killing nub

Crippler ICD Game profile


Apr 4th 2011, 3:02:17

mine also lol

[14:26] <enshula> i cant believe im going to say this
[14:26] <enshula> crippler is giving us correct netting advice

Warster Game profile


Apr 4th 2011, 3:20:17

Actually my point was that netters can grow without trying hard lol
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332

Havoc Game profile


Apr 4th 2011, 5:43:28

Yeah that's true, whats hard is keeping them playing heh
Unholy Monks | The Omega

Rico Game profile


Apr 4th 2011, 11:47:11

Frankly being so big only makes you a target.

paulie Game profile


Apr 4th 2011, 12:12:58

very true Rico

Warster Game profile


Apr 4th 2011, 13:06:08

thats why we dont recruit haha
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332

JJosh Game profile


Apr 4th 2011, 13:13:09


I love CC and NBK,

even TKO and PAN

You guys are swell, i don't mean dissolve :)

Ares is an active recruiter

And all ya'lls doin great!

I was just thinkin it'd be pretty chill to bump up our other folks i.e. salt, stones gdi, pod, ReVolt etc :) :)

that's alls i meant :) :)

love the ongoin discourse tho!!

FFA ~ Ares
Alliance ~ SoL
#JJosh on your server

Mathais Game profile


Apr 4th 2011, 13:36:27

Originally posted by Crippler ICD:
we've gained 5-6 members this set

but 3 others are taking it off :P lol

Yeah, but Drippy... Our new members are AWESOME!

Crippler ICD Game profile


Apr 4th 2011, 13:53:14

lol ;)

[14:26] <enshula> i cant believe im going to say this
[14:26] <enshula> crippler is giving us correct netting advice

PapaSmurf Game profile


Apr 4th 2011, 14:02:56

I had/have a 1A alliance to recruit from, although much smaller than SoF and SoL. And I got about 3-4 people to agree to join, but set has started and none of them came. And to tell you the truth I thought we were going to end up being a 32 country clan, so I'm fairly happy. At least we have something to build on :)

PapaSmurf Game profile


Apr 4th 2011, 14:05:50

I think our numbers will increase , cause our application page is offically AWESOME ;-D

Also, on a side note, a few people wouldn't come because we will not be self farming.

paulie Game profile


Apr 4th 2011, 14:19:02

your real plus is u have LINK

Havoc Game profile


Apr 4th 2011, 16:22:13

don't know if I'd consider that a plus..

Unholy Monks | The Omega

LeftyHa8er Game profile


Apr 4th 2011, 16:36:16


mrford Game profile


Apr 4th 2011, 17:44:32

boxcar is holding you all back

just sayin
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

paulie Game profile


Apr 4th 2011, 18:33:54

boxcar rules.. thanks to Dave

mrford Game profile


Apr 4th 2011, 18:47:08

even dave admits that boxcar needs tons of work and if he had the time he would fix it.

its nothing against him, its just the way it is.

you really are tarded arnt you?
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

JJosh Game profile


Apr 4th 2011, 19:03:01

Box car could use work,.. i dislike GameSurge... ups to Scourge and EE IRC
FFA ~ Ares
Alliance ~ SoL
#JJosh on your server

paulie Game profile


Apr 4th 2011, 19:05:27

yep i am, but Dave and his gang saved this game, so my loyality will always be with them. between boxcar and earthstats who needs anything else.

some peeps just cant be happy with what they have

JJosh Game profile


Apr 4th 2011, 21:06:54

i have a hand in the cookie jar too.
just thought i'd throw that in thar..
FFA ~ Ares
Alliance ~ SoL
#JJosh on your server