
Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 30th 2013, 13:46:01

What the fluff is your problem, Ford? I know that you have issues, I don't know what they are, but I'm sure they are hard to pronounce.

I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

punkrock2096 Game profile

New Member

Dec 30th 2013, 16:57:49

he likes pie



Dec 30th 2013, 17:05:10

With 93 kids, apparently he likes pootang pie...

Angryjesus Game profile


Dec 30th 2013, 17:41:51

*grabs popcorn*

cRaZyDaVe Game profile


Dec 30th 2013, 17:45:26

#someonegonnagettheirasskicked #grabspopcorn
Originally posted by Twain:
I love the idea of sending even 100 troops into an area so they can go assassinate citizens one at a time.

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 30th 2013, 18:01:25

Who would that be, cRaZyDaVe? Certainly not me, Ford will NOT risk his netters against my fighters. LOL

He's proven to be a fluff many times, this isn't the first time he's claimed that he's too valuable a player to put up rather than talk up. LOL

I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!



Dec 30th 2013, 18:30:03

You seem to be the only one talking cervix...

mrford Game profile


Dec 30th 2013, 19:57:57

you need to look at yourself right now. its sad dude.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 30th 2013, 23:00:17

Originally posted by ssewellusmc:
You seem to be the only one talking cervix...

That's very creative for a Sea-Going Bellhop, there Swell.

You made me crack a smile.

Well, Ford, it was you who claimed that you are such a great player, in fact so much better than me that you would be embarrassing me by fighting with me one on one. Did you not say that it would be a joke, since you're so much of a better player than I am?


If you don't PUT UP, then you need to stop trolling every thread I post and just STFU like the fluff you really are.

Hiding in anonymity and posting how mighty you are is pure bullfluff, and I'm calling you on it.

PROVE YOUR fluff, or SHUT THE fluff UP!
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

mrford Game profile


Dec 30th 2013, 23:22:52

u mad bro?

lets walk through this scenario one time real quick. if i did decide to fight you i would take a few days to pump my spal, then destock my farms to 30mill NW, and my stocker to 250mill or so NW, and just farm you. you have 16 dicts with no stock, ~6mill NW and 7K avrage land. seriously, if you are as smart as you seem to think you are, what would you do. in what way would you beat me. as i have said many times already, what is the point in fighting this set? it wouldnt benefit you at all. i have been netting and stocking, and a monkey could beat your countries with my stock, its game mechanics, not skill.

if this line of logic is too far over your head, then i will just explain once again, i have no intentions of wasting my time proving something anyone who has played this game for a while already knows. you arnt worth it, and seeing you this angry just makes me giggle a bit inside and continue netting. im going to get a top 5 finish this set, and you will be sitting there with your fluffty war countries with no one to war. i have already won, you just dont know it yet.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 30th 2013, 23:41:12

Then SHUT THE fluff UP and quit trolling my threads. You act like it's me following you around, when in FACT it's your dumb ass who always has to have some smart ass remark about my "fluffty little countries" on any thread I might post, whether it concerns you or not, and it usually doesn't. I remember another asshole that played this game a long time ago that you are JUST LIKE, his name was Gramberto/Jesus H. Christ/ and other monikers.

He was always going on about my 5000 ranked dictatorship, at least until I landgrabbed his FAT LaF ASS!

Then he shut up, and finally he just went away, maybe you should consider that, Ford. JUST GO AWAY, don't go away mad, just go away.

I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

mrford Game profile


Dec 30th 2013, 23:48:10

i think you have an anger issue
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford



Dec 31st 2013, 2:16:26

I think cervix needs a hug. He was not loved as a child (or adult). FYI - I have never been on a boat that I didn't own.

Khavic25 Game profile


Dec 31st 2013, 6:48:11

Damn missed it

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 31st 2013, 9:21:07

Originally posted by ssewellusmc:
I think cervix needs a hug. He was not loved as a child (or adult). FYI - I have never been on a boat that I didn't own.

So, you just sport the USMC in your nick then? You were never a Marine?

That's kinda lame if it is that way, don't you think?

Pretending to be something you're not is a child's game.
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

Rosco Game profile


Dec 31st 2013, 13:17:19

OK, this one I will step in and talk about. The USMC although a Department of the Navy is for the most part the front line of the Infantry. So maybe you should do some research before you do anything that goes against the norm of the USMC. Or continue looking stupid.
FFA- Ares VP
Alliance- SOF
Team- MKR

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 31st 2013, 14:03:52

To whom is that addressed, Rosco? Me, or him?

I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!



Dec 31st 2013, 17:22:59

No, I served in the Marines from 02-06. Never was stationed on a boat, just flew from cherry point to iraq a few times. I saw water from the plane. Does that count?



Dec 31st 2013, 17:35:01

He is talking to you cervix

daspheebsie Game profile


Dec 31st 2013, 17:37:12

Wow... Cererbus the only person that I see trolling your threads or following you around like a lost puppy is yourself. I don't know the whole story here, but straight out... I thought I was the one with issues. Thanks dude.
Current SoLer
Retired LaF
One time at band camp Evo