
Collzaboration Game profile


Sep 28th 2014, 4:51:03

hit me back if you like its my pleasure

Home Turf Game profile


Sep 28th 2014, 8:56:35

blah blah blah

Tiny Terror

New Member

Sep 28th 2014, 9:32:10

This is why i never joined imp when i got the invite its no wonder imp got warred off the server years ago

SublimeNightmare Game profile


Sep 28th 2014, 16:05:38

Originally posted by Tiny Terror:
This is why i never joined imp when i got the invite its no wonder imp got warred off the server years ago

Cool story bro.

Collzaboration Game profile


Sep 28th 2014, 17:41:57

Well I was warring with untags/hs more than half the set and was helping a friend so asked to be left alone.... then an untagged started in on me last night so heck with it if im going down at all might as well be fighting a bit. Imp said it was a grabbing game but again i was warring and still looking over my shoulder against x players in the game....They were lucky i didnt have a full set to build war machines.....

Collzaboration Game profile


Sep 28th 2014, 17:42:23

Im the same player that went 15 vrs 150 imp the very first ffa :D

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 28th 2014, 17:52:26

If you communicate you don't have to worry about (fill in the blank), just saying...
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Skulls of Dominion Game profile


Sep 28th 2014, 18:22:42

If i remember i did talk to prime, so communication was there. He told me that he would talk to his hitters. Looks like someone didnt do what he promised or his members dont care for there leaders, either way something is wrong. And im hopping its not that imp just dont care for anyone.

Collzaboration Game profile


Sep 28th 2014, 18:39:50

Communication was there... apparently imp members don't care about others situations and hit anyway. Oh well im not going to bother walling have fun..

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Sep 28th 2014, 19:01:05

I'm incredibly confused what we are talking about here

SublimeNightmare Game profile


Sep 28th 2014, 20:52:49

/Begin reality

As you can see, 6 hits from IMP, 8 from XxDOMxX. Things were 1 to 1 until you decided to go bat fluff crazy. Where 'communication' happened in any of this is beyond me. Whatever you wrote above is word vomit. Maybe in fantasy land it made sense. If you're going to suicide, at least have the gonads to own it.

End thread/

mrford Game profile


Sep 28th 2014, 21:07:58

That is darkling

Expecting intelligence, or even logic, is utterly foolish.

Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Collzaboration Game profile


Sep 28th 2014, 22:06:10

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
If you communicate you don't have to worry about (fill in the blank), just saying...
like I said communication was there you redneck nimrod mr. ford. read the post and maybe even you can comprehend...... 1 to 1 or whatever , i asked with good reason for imp to back off and they chose hostility.

Collzaboration Game profile


Sep 28th 2014, 22:07:52

Originally posted by mrford:
That is darkling

Expecting intelligence, or even logic, is utterly foolish.

Fordy please keep your arse in hickville , this does not remotely concern you.

Collzaboration Game profile


Sep 28th 2014, 22:36:56

Originally posted by SublimeNightmare:
/Begin reality

As you can see, 6 hits from IMP, 8 from XxDOMxX. Things were 1 to 1 until you decided to go bat fluff crazy. Where 'communication' happened in any of this is beyond me. Whatever you wrote above is word vomit. Maybe in fantasy land it made sense. If you're going to suicide, at least have the gonads to own it.

End thread/

If you are going to mess with small nw countries that have warred all set and technically still warring then have the cooch to own it.

Warster Game profile


Sep 28th 2014, 22:43:25

The hits on Dom were easy to regain the land darkling. Wish the hits on tko were like that lol

Edited By: Warster on Sep 28th 2014, 22:58:36
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332

Collzaboration Game profile


Sep 28th 2014, 22:56:17

That is not the point warster.... i was running low d expecting untags to hit like syko last night...... i was having to buy up d to keep imp off my back a bit......... When a country / group of countries is at war you do not mess with them and then cry foul when they mess back...... Imp was told not to mess and why , so no more whining sub....

Aphrodite Game profile


Sep 28th 2014, 23:20:24

^^^^^ lmao get them
Screw This Game
Derrick <3

SublimeNightmare Game profile


Sep 28th 2014, 23:21:56

Getting PS'd you lost what? Hardly anything? You actually gained land. What exactly is the grievance?

No one over here cried foul... we just killed. Fine by us. Methinks you wanted to go after Syko for past sets and everything else is a smokescreen. I'll enjoy killing the rest.

Collzaboration Game profile


Sep 28th 2014, 23:27:03

So its okay to slap a person in a wheelchair and you get upset when they slap you whatever dude tis just a game. Good luck :D

Collzaboration Game profile


Sep 28th 2014, 23:39:14

Originally posted by SublimeNightmare:
Getting PS'd you lost what? Hardly anything? You actually gained land. What exactly is the grievance?

No one over here cried foul... we just killed. Fine by us. Methinks you wanted to go after Syko for past sets and everything else is a smokescreen. I'll enjoy killing the rest.

I do not care about Syko goof!!!! I have not played in years and have no grudges against anyone. Funny how people like you assume things.....

KyleCleric Game profile


Sep 29th 2014, 2:33:20

This is our fluffing city. And no one is going to dictate our freedom. Stay strong.

Skulls of Dominion Game profile


Sep 29th 2014, 6:46:15

I talked to prime a few days ago because i had a feeling this was going to happen. Im not mad just wanted to stop things before all this, prime said he understood and said he would talk to his hitters. Im not sure if he did or didnt but they took a hit and now we are here which i knew will happen and tried to avoid. The only issue im having are people saying there was no communication.

Prime, come on bro at least back me up on that one lol

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Sep 29th 2014, 13:40:56

Sure, we definitely spoke - But I don't think you mentioned you were "at war" like the fella mentioned above. My apologies that your tag received a grab before I had the opportunity to speak with my alliance. Although, I do not typically ask people to stop grabbing alltogether and I certainly don't think 7 hits in 1 round to be excessive.

Just as a side note for Collab or whomever that guy is: When Mr. Ford enters a thread that includes an opportunity to say something negative about IMP and, instead, says something negative about you, you're doing something wrong.

I really don't see what we did wrong here but I've been known to be a bit lazy these days.

mrford Game profile


Sep 29th 2014, 13:44:27

Imp is the worst clan ever.

Order has been restored.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Syko_Killa Game profile


Sep 29th 2014, 15:07:12

thing is I never grabbed anyone this whole set, just self farmed. So you killed one of my countries and I didnt even do anything to you. But whatever, I am done after this set. No more EE for me.
Do as I say, not as I do.

Skulls of Dominion Game profile


Sep 29th 2014, 16:10:35

Syko_Killa i apologize to you for what ever went down and i wish that you reconsider. I have always liked you and you are a stand up player. Thanks prime :-) my members have been finghting a war with untags. With that said i knew they was geyting a little mad thats why i started a line of communication. Either way we are here and the past is done.

I gave Collzaboration a chance and i still think he did a good job here. As for imp i have some negative feelings but this has not ruined by past mid set comeback to earth. Thanks prime for telling everyone we did speak. I Approach everyone either in the wrong or not. In this case i knew how my members where feelings so i was trying to calm things down hence i reached out wish it could of went down in a different way but it didnt. :-\

Good luck to everyone and Syko_Killa your stuck with the rest of us plus we all love you.....well maybe not Collzaboration but me and lilmxcn do. We love the both of you.

Home Turf Game profile


Sep 29th 2014, 20:09:28

Natural reaction of might by intimidation. Classic example.

blah blah blah

smegma Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 4th 2014, 20:32:32

It's nice to see that IMP is back

Collzaboration Game profile


Oct 4th 2014, 21:55:33

It just proves once again why the game does not grow. You have too players that do wrong then claim their fluff doesn't stink and a lame community that allows it.

Uncle James Game profile


Oct 5th 2014, 15:41:18

Next time you are at (WAR) with untags just post those untag numbers and we will be glad to help you get rid of the pests. Im sure every clan in the game will farm them to death if you make a legitimate post so we can all see it.

Collzaboration Game profile


Oct 5th 2014, 23:35:46

Originally posted by Uncle James:
Next time you are at (WAR) with untags just post those untag numbers and we will be glad to help you get rid of the pests. Im sure every clan in the game will farm them to death if you make a legitimate post so we can all see it.

I was in Chaos alliance warring them , still the threat was there. The only reason wIMP jumped is because I had it out with MOB and left , otherwise this would have never happened. I appreciate your effort to try and help but you do not know the whole situation. I basically spent the set helping others then shat on by a bigger alliance playing the bully , no I am not whining. I do not really care , again the set was spent helping others so my countries were crap netting wise. I only really had missiles and tech. I even bought out spy tech by the billions worth to help CC transfer things just for an example mostly without being asked. All my countries ended up with no cash and trying to make just enough profit to keep spending the money on things someone asked me to buy. It basically comes down to wIMP playing the bully against countries that were almost incapable of defense. Apparently nice guys really do finish last and this community does not seem to care about the game.

Edited By: Collzaboration on Oct 5th 2014, 23:56:38