
gregg Game profile


May 12th 2010, 14:28:25

Pang and the ffa and express mods,

LaE and their Express server clan, LaEx, have played by their own rules for years.

The best way to stop people from playing by their own rules is to tailor rules specific to them.

So for the next two resets in FFA and express

No LaE or LaEx country is protected by spy DR . Let the victims of the cheating impose justice for clandestine cheating with spy ops. It's fitting.

when either of the two clans launch a missile there is a 10% chance it will explode on the launch pad impacting their own country and a 5% chance it will veer off course and impact a clansman

when LaE and LaEx get hit by an earthquake it is not 2.3 on the Richter scale it is Haitian sized killing 12% of the population and wiping out thirty percent of the buildings.
They have played by their own rules, now let them live with them.

The people who do not cheat will no longer defend, condone and empower the cheating if instead of benefitting indirectly from the cheating they are suffering these direct consequences.

Thanks for your efforts and your consideration.

Edited By: gregg on May 12th 2010, 18:14:00
RESTRICT LaE to 80% of its cheat size

kemo Game profile


May 12th 2010, 15:09:08

do you actually sit down at some point and think "hmm whats another way i can completely change the way things work and look like a dumbass on the boards everyday?"
all praised to ra

Route81 Game profile


May 12th 2010, 15:31:43

he who is without sin, throw the first stone...

Just let it go. The truth has come out, and dealt with and that's the most important. Now let's move on and stop the whining.

and don't contact me... for anything. :P

gregg Game profile


May 12th 2010, 15:44:56

ok we have heard the insults and ADD grunts from LaEx's allies

if LaE were a woman would you keep taking her back? and harbor the delusion that she wont cheat?

i understand it is dangerous to speak out against LaEx
I understand when you do they will look for you on every server and kill you as they have me

If the mods just lay down for LaE and their sister clans then you will be punished for supporting me on the boards

but if the site cowers before LaE on this issue then the site is destined to fail anyway
RESTRICT LaE to 80% of its cheat size

Havoc Game profile


May 12th 2010, 15:51:48

There can never be rules specific to one clan, the majority of LaE are legit players. Plus what if they just changed their name/tag? How do mods regulate that? How long have you been playing this game?
Unholy Monks | The Omega

kemo Game profile


May 12th 2010, 16:07:25

no im not a fan of lae. ice was a fluffhead for no reason to rock last set. i dont fluff though cause its not worth it. things are not won by fluffing. someday maybe youll see that

all praised to ra

gregg Game profile


May 12th 2010, 16:30:58

deletions have been happening since 1999 they will never stop

more importantly they will never deter cheating

from 11 years experience we know this penalty is inadequate
insanity is doing the same thing over and over nd expecting a different result

a great game designer lost his dream because he could not figure out how to stop people from cheating

that makes me sad

yet another software designer is disillusioned with his dream because he can not stop cheating

cheaters will always be with us
we can never stop them

we can stop people from indirectly benefitting from cheating

LaE and LaEx want to play by their own rules
give them what they have earned

Edited By: gregg on May 12th 2010, 18:17:37
RESTRICT LaE to 80% of its cheat size

NOW3P Game profile


May 12th 2010, 16:32:11

just let him go....the more he talks, the more he discredits himself. That, and you can't argue w/ schizo's....

gregg Game profile


May 12th 2010, 16:42:00

so now we have heard from the official spokesperson of LaEx

His response? part lie, part whine, part misspelled insult
the usual

They can not fashion a reasoned argument as to why they do not deserve a real deterrent

The good of the game must take precedence over what is good for LaE, NA and LaEx.
RESTRICT LaE to 80% of its cheat size

Popcom Game profile


May 12th 2010, 16:45:32

holy god can u just bad gregg already so he will shut up?

~If at first you don't succeed, you are clearly not Popcom~

NOW3P Game profile


May 12th 2010, 16:57:43

we done asked for that already popcom...

Remember? You called me a whiner over it?

Guess it's only whining when someone else does it, huh?

gregg - there are dozens of "reasoned arguments" on these forums. I just see absolutely no need whatsoever to address the same baseless accusations in yet another thread. If you want a conversation, I am very easy to find.

Havoc Game profile


May 12th 2010, 20:01:11

There's clans in Express?
Unholy Monks | The Omega

Desperado Game profile


May 12th 2010, 20:13:02

Originally posted by gregg:
Pang and the ffa and express mods,

LaE and their Express server clan, LaEx, have played by their own rules for years.

i thought EE was only like... 8 months old?

Originally posted by Primeval:
pants antler

gregg Game profile


May 12th 2010, 21:38:38

yes Havoc, NOW3P is in charge of the clan for LaE on Express.

There are no ingame tags but he has told us many times that as the set is running he tracks which LaE members play which sets using which strats and under which names on that server. He coordinates any retals the clan needs to make and plans the end set strategy for NW victory for one of their players. He coordinates the ingame messages and the forum posts for trying to locate and kill clan enemies. They send ingame messages threatening sanctions in LaE ffa if you do not obey the clan strategy in Express.
In fairness they like to be called friends and have repeatedly said that twenty friends acting in unison is not a clan. Recently Mr Ford and Thunder have indicated that they will help with coordinating NOW3P's efforts

The reference to cheating for years relates to their own statements on the alliance server that they routinely cheated on Earth2025 over a long period of time

Edited By: gregg on May 12th 2010, 21:56:18
RESTRICT LaE to 80% of its cheat size

mrford Game profile


May 12th 2010, 21:41:55

the only time anyone teams up on express

is to kill you gregg
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Twain Game profile


May 12th 2010, 21:54:09

Here's an idea gregg, since you seem to have such a problem with LaE.

Next set, make some countries, maybe recruit some people, and declare war on LaE.

In the meanwhile, realize that the mods, nor anyone else here, care what you think they should do. The moderators/administrators of this game are not going to punish a tag, nor should they. If they're going to punish anyone, it should be individual players, and for the time being, they have, by deleting the offending countries.

If they continue to cheat, the admins will probably do whatever they can to ban the players.

But your suggestions are silly, and unless your goal is simply to see how many responses you can get on threads you started, then whatever it is you're trying to do, you're failing badly at it.

gregg Game profile


May 12th 2010, 21:58:37

what i am trying to do is prevent cheating

i am not failing any more badly at that than earth 2025 and this site are doing

and as to the idea of making multiple countries on Express to fight LaE on the Express set, I have of course considered it,


I believe that cheating is morally wrong, that puts me in the minority but i will not fight their multis with my multis

as far as recruiting others guys like jiff and altair have said they would just quit playing EE instead of fighting LaE

Edited By: gregg on May 12th 2010, 22:31:23
RESTRICT LaE to 80% of its cheat size

Twain Game profile


May 12th 2010, 22:05:00

Did it occur to you that it's not your responsibility, nor the responsibility of anyone who regularly posts on this board?

If you have these suggestions and you're honestly trying to help, send your suggestions to the administrators via email.

Of course, if your REAL motive is simply to try to get your own name out there and to try to keep trolling about LaE, keep it up, but you're quickly getting to the point where the only reason people click on your threads is to make fun of you for posting silly, short-sighted ideas.

Havoc Game profile


May 12th 2010, 22:16:42

Originally posted by Twain:
you're quickly getting to the point where the only reason people click on your threads is to make fun of you for posting silly, short-sighted ideas.
Unholy Monks | The Omega

gregg Game profile


May 12th 2010, 22:34:01

twain it is all of our responsibility to fight evil
it is a duty of citizenship in any community

as to people only posting to laugh

that is how jiff got started he laughed at my posts

then he thought about it and thought about it
and realized i was right
RESTRICT LaE to 80% of its cheat size

gregg Game profile


May 12th 2010, 22:44:14

please enlighten me as to why this is a shortsighted idea while deletions of countries which have already served their purpose is such a brilliant all encompassing solution?

Edited By: gregg on May 12th 2010, 22:44:49
RESTRICT LaE to 80% of its cheat size

TGD Game profile


May 12th 2010, 22:46:05

Gregg do you have a life outside this game?

why do you care so damn much? It is a GAME. Get over it. My set was ruined by NA and i'm not whining like a little baby.

I'm not in LaE or NA nor play anything but alliance but you are annoying as hell

All that needs to be done has been done, If Pang has admin access in NA and LaE then there is nothing more that can be done, he can see EVERYTHING, he can RETRIEVE EVERYTHING. Jeeze go and get a life

you should be banned for trolling, which you probably will be if you continue this into next set

Edited By: TGD on May 12th 2010, 22:48:32

gregg Game profile


May 12th 2010, 22:59:28

Gregg stop caring

Pang has said if he has to spend a bunch of time policing cheating he will close the site, the solution is to force pang to spend hours upon hours policing a group that feels entitled to cheat

am i the only one who can foresee the inevitable result?
RESTRICT LaE to 80% of its cheat size

Twain Game profile


May 12th 2010, 23:17:59

gregg: Your ideas are short-sighted because they don't attack cheating--they attack LaE. Other clans have been caught cheating as well. IMP had deletions early and PANLV apparently had some too.

However, all your plans are about LaE.

In addition, your ideas are based around ideas like limited a clan to 80%, which would mean LaE could still cheat and be ok, they'd simply have to cheat 20% less, or that any tag with LaE in it should be limited, which would simply mean they'd change tags to "Legends" or something else.

It's obvious the axe your grinding has little to do with cheating in general, but entirely to do with LaE. Attack cheating in general and maybe people will take your fervor seriously. Come up with ideas that are actually applicable in the long run and maybe people will take your ideas seriously.

Right now, you're doing neither.



May 13th 2010, 10:38:27

express was suppose to be solo anyways.. there is no tag per say.. of course we all know with alliances.. tags are there by members choice on who they allie with.. Build your dang country to defend and do retals.. and get your own allies.. by the time u make ten post on the same thing on express play they own you.. focus on your country and not theirs
Defense will be our goal for this first round

gregg Game profile


May 13th 2010, 11:09:15

stop caring, gregg

even if with your education and experience you managed to help fashion a community-accepted enforcement policy that held cheating to a minimum.

Would that stop an innocent client from going to jail?

stop caring, gregg

Gregg, you stopped playing the game and thinking of development ideas to try to stop corruption. Understandable that is who you are but of the four people who indicated they agree with you, three quit the game. what does that tell you?

even if you watched the forums grow into a marketplace of ideas rather than a dumping ground of lies, what pang aptly describes as the whines of five year olds and schoolyard insults.

Would that solve the hospital's intractible illegal alien problem?

stop caring, gregg

Even if wih the new ideas pang managed to turn this game from a failing ember of a 1980s idea into a vibrant 21st century game

Would that reverse the museum's dwindling membership?

stop caring, gregg.
good advice, Twain thanks. you have freed me from this insidious game. If you ever see me back on forum or like some poor sick tweaker playing this game again please remind me of this conversation. As a gesture of appreciation i offer you a tip, do not give the same advice to pang.

He might take it too.

Edited By: gregg on May 13th 2010, 11:23:04
RESTRICT LaE to 80% of its cheat size

mrford Game profile


May 13th 2010, 12:28:20

i still think gregg is either a ESL person, uses a thesaurus when he posts, or is like 12 years old and is using his english text book

what do you guys think? his posts just read weird
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Twain Game profile


May 13th 2010, 12:32:48

You thank me in a way that seems like its supposed to be a guilt trip, especially with your "holier than thou" speech before it.

The point, to repeat myself for the last time, is that most of your ideas aren't meant to prevent/punish cheating in the game, but rather to punish LaE.

My other point is, the admins have stated from time to time that they don't read every post on this board, and I believe it was specifically Pangaea who said he was going to stay off this particular board for awhile to make sure he didn't get drawn into the politics, therefore, you also have chosen the wrong forum to bring up your ideas.

If you actually want to be part of the solution, kudos to you. Broaden your scope to cheating in general instead of just having a hardon for LaE. In addition, email your ideas to the game admins instead of posting them here.

If you're willing to do both of those things, I hope you stay, because the game needs as many honest players as possible, and despite your frustration and anger with LaE, I doubt in any way that you're cheating.

However, if you would like to remain your same self-righteous, "I Hate LaE" self, I, for one, won't be sad to see when your posts fall off the bottom of the list of threads.

Desperado Game profile


May 13th 2010, 12:52:22

I'd love to know what nick he went by in swirve though

Originally posted by Primeval:
pants antler

Thunder Game profile


May 13th 2010, 18:12:37

11 years of experience and he still knows NOTHING.
ICQ 56183127

2010 Armchair GMs League Champion

NA FA/Senate

Ninja since born....Awesome Forever!

Akula Game profile

EE Patron

May 13th 2010, 18:44:14

its an artform i aspire to, but fail at
"Astra inclinant, sed non obligant"




May 13th 2010, 19:51:03


we lost our best writer and most entertaining poster

i expected him to quit after he exposed LaE on Express anyway

he had more fun in six weeks than i have ever had playing this game
if you can win a game without ever fighting a battle; it is not a war game