Originally posted by Hellrush:
I think every LaE person on these forums has proven to me and the server there IQs = there shoe size.
Thats how stupied you LaE leaders are being and maybe you should all step down from leadership AND PUT SOME REAL LEADERS IN POWER.
fluff man. I didn't know that having a enginering degree and a kickass job that I love made me a retard
really, thanks for letting me know
btw, I really was diagnosed with ADHD at age 6, aka 1992, was medicated with rittalin(sp) and adderal(sp) till age 18, aka 2004, and I still graduated with a aero engr degree
unlike you, I'm not a weak minded fluff that uses my "disability" as a crutch, and I still go after mylife goals.
As for what thunder said, 100% confirmed. Every pact we sign will have a hellrush clause. U better have some good friends, because we have 480 countries that say you die every set forever.
Umight as well "retire" and make a new alias