Game Development
May 5th 2010, 15:22:12
We can't verify any statements released by this person.... you can talk to him or her at your own risk, but I have no clue what he or she is saying, the validity of it, and if it is valid, whether it's appropriate to be released. I would encourage this person to stop interfering with an ongoing investigation and creating sideshows and distractions.
The bottom line is that the mods have been pretty forthcoming with information at least rationalizing the deletions -- obviously we're not going to give out detailed specs on how we caught the players, as it would compromise parts of our security system. Unless it comes from an EE admin or FFA game mod, I wouldn't listen to what anyone else says, personally.
Edited By: Pangaea on May 5th 2010, 15:23:25
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com
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