
Billyjoe of UCF Game profile


Feb 14th 2011, 19:30:25

Cheating or scripting mostly because I don't care. Im not here to accuse anyone of cheating or scripting...

But an average of 6 or 7 hits per second by one country seems like at the very least it should be somehow limited to one a second. I mean 2 people hitting 7 times a second can kill someone in about 15 seconds.

Im just saying the kill run on 4136 is a bit rediculous and if it is completely legit something should be in place to slow that down.

Takes half the fun out of this game which is walling.

NukEvil Game profile


Feb 14th 2011, 19:33:44 you have any idea how long a killrun would take on a country if everyone was limited to one hit per second? If that was put into effect, whoever had the most countries would kill the fastest. It'd take the skill out of warring almost altogether.
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

Billyjoe of UCF Game profile


Feb 14th 2011, 19:38:08

Um look at the next kill run it was well over a second a hit and guess what the country still died....

It was an 8 minute kill instead of a 25 second kill.

Using your same philosophy the person with the fasted internet will always win... this theoretically gives and unequal advantage againt players that don't have a super fast connection.

Also this isn't a post to get you to defend the way it currently works as I don't care.. this is a post to get other opinions.

llaar Game profile


Feb 14th 2011, 19:46:27

here are my two fastest, solo kills:

(#4468) (Cerevisi) - 4 second kill
(#4466) (Cerevisi) - 5 second kill

Billyjoe of UCF Game profile


Feb 14th 2011, 19:50:04

Yeah and to me that is just insane what's the point of playing if you really have no way of defending yourself. Yeah I know out kill them. But 5 seconds.... really. What's the point in restarting so you can get a 4 second kill then get killed in 4 seconds... oh deal!

smegma Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 14th 2011, 19:51:00

Originally posted by NukEvil: you have any idea how long a killrun would take on a country if everyone was limited to one hit per second? If that was put into effect, whoever had the most countries would kill the fastest. It'd take the skill out of warring almost altogether.

Does anyone have a dictionary this man can borrow? I think he needs to look up the word skill.

Crippler ICD Game profile


Feb 14th 2011, 19:51:44

qz already said he's gonna change attacking to make it more difficult, not sure what that means lol

[14:26] <enshula> i cant believe im going to say this
[14:26] <enshula> crippler is giving us correct netting advice

Billyjoe of UCF Game profile


Feb 14th 2011, 19:58:02

Also llaar those runs were on like a tiny start up with no military or pop and you probably sr'ed or what ever.

4136 was a start up but not that fresh oop.

I just think war now is truly about who has no life... just keep restarting and killing and it could last forever.

I think some interesting changes would involve either no starting up untl after a war aka real tag kill etc. Or maybe you can't tag more than 32 in one set per tag or something fun.

Granted those are really rough ideas so im sure there are tons of pros and cons just something to make it fun and actually have an end or what ever.

Any clan can bore a clan to death then make a comeback on their 42nd restart.

Kill4Free Game profile


Feb 14th 2011, 19:59:16

Originally posted by Billyjoe of UCF:
Yeah and to me that is just insane what's the point of playing if you really have no way of defending yourself. Yeah I know out kill them. But 5 seconds.... really. What's the point in restarting so you can get a 4 second kill then get killed in 4 seconds... oh deal!

If you setup your country to suck and have no defense, you deserve to die in 4 seconds.

If you got a real country you will last pretty much a minimum of 30 seconds. That is enough time to log on and wall.

From what I see, you are complaining that you can't kill fast. And we can.

It takes skill and practice to be able to do it well, and takes a ton of teamwork to do it with other people efficiently.
So many ways to die, only one way to live...

Crippler ICD Game profile


Feb 14th 2011, 20:01:55

it's more like we wont stoop that level of something we feel is abusing the game, such as you wont do self farming.


[14:26] <enshula> i cant believe im going to say this
[14:26] <enshula> crippler is giving us correct netting advice

Angryjesus Game profile


Feb 14th 2011, 20:03:09

"If you setup your country to suck and have no defense, you deserve to die in 4 seconds."

As much as it pains me, I have to agree with k4f on this one.

Kill4Free Game profile


Feb 14th 2011, 20:03:37

So in other words, you are sticking by your high handed principal of refusing to press enter really really fast?
So many ways to die, only one way to live...

Billyjoe of UCF Game profile


Feb 14th 2011, 20:05:44

Actually k4f you sir are off base on this but such is life. I could care less who kills faster. Im talking about the general state of war is pathetic right now.

And im looking for ways to improve it.

But eh flame on brother! Can't hate on trolling I do a fair amount of it.

And if you can be notified and get on in 30 seconds you pretty much don't have a life so congrats on that. Or you are using a notification bot which is a bot no?

Billyjoe of UCF Game profile


Feb 14th 2011, 20:10:19

And to validate you k4f even though I could careless yes no military rainbow should die fast.

But when just a average built a week removed restart gets bullrushed by one person and dies in 8 seconds something is wrong with the game.

Kill4Free Game profile


Feb 14th 2011, 20:16:22

I get sms'ed if I get hit by a clanmate.

As for flaming, I was not.

As for why this was not done before, that is rather simple.

Oldstyle FFA you could afford to lose hundreds of countries and still be looking good. This FFA you only have 16. Anyone you lose matters. So walling in this game is 100x more often then walling in old earth.

The best way to combat walling, is to kill faster. To win you have to make the most of what you have available.
Even running one country after another I could solo someone in under a minute, getting myself setup I can do it in 30 seconds. I can't kill a well built country in that amount of time however. Takes several times as long.

Now my point of view, is you can either make the most out of the tools you have available, or you can say it isnt fair.

Granted as someone is inevitably going to point out, that rule can apply to self farming. Yes it can, NBK doesn't do it because it detracts from player interaction of the game (Landgrabbing was obsolete for several sets). We don't ban people from doing it, we just do not ally them, that is your choice, not ours to make.
So many ways to die, only one way to live...

Billyjoe of UCF Game profile


Feb 14th 2011, 20:22:15

I don't think you get sms'ed in 30 seconds by a clan mate but we can agree to disagree.

Every country does matter so losing one in 30 seconds is about as lame as it comes. You have 24-7 to kill but 15 seconds to wall? Doesn't seem very one sided does it?

Now im not against locking markets or something after x amount of hits on you or something to make walling harder/more skill but a 6 second kill and a sore wrist seems gay and unsportsman like.

Kill4Free Game profile


Feb 14th 2011, 20:24:45

BJ how many good countries have you lost in 30 seconds?
(And yes you can get sms'ed within 30 seconds, when I am around and see it, I can send a sms out within 3 seconds of first hit).

You are complaining about a restart dying super fast, one that had very little turrets, and got BR'ed into the ground.
There is no skill to killin a restart just as there is no skill to making one that has no defense.
Anyone can do like a 3 country killrun on one if they wanted.

If we could kill anything in 30 seconds at will, why do most of our bigger kills take 3-4 minutes?
So many ways to die, only one way to live...

vern Game profile


Feb 14th 2011, 20:30:32

i cant even log on in under a minute lol

Billyjoe of UCF Game profile


Feb 14th 2011, 20:32:13

And before you try to claim im mad that I can't kill as fast or that im dying etc im really not at all.

To me its just getting to a point where playing is pointless. And when that happens you lose players.

If anything im mad that they blocked it from my work and I have to do everything on my phone.

Just think the game itself needs some tweaks to keep it interesting. At no point did I say it was unfair to one side or another. Not whining at all just think its lame.

Changes in raw form I think could make it better:

Harder to wall. (Make hits take out money or make you ship it off to a swiss account for safety I mean what markets are open in a war whne you are under attack)

Slowing offense a bunch I think 7 hits a second is rediculous esp if you have 5 people on.

Hard war lock. Two or more clans can agree to sides of each war which locks then in war. Maybe only clans in a war can hit one another. ( I know two friendly netting clans can lock in war and be safe. Combat that by having a minimum number of hits or some kind of negative consequence.)

Maybe you can only tag in the same tag 32 times aka 2 full restarts (yes I know untagged or changing tags - combat that by not allowing hits on a war participent) so there is a true tag kill.

Kill4Free Game profile


Feb 14th 2011, 20:35:04

Coming up with war rules would be more our doing. We could always agree to ban restarts, but that would give the attacking clan a ridiculous advantage.

Maybe ban restarts after 72 hours of war or something.

Although 1 person who can wall fast, and kill fast, is more then twice as effective as someone who does both slowly, even if he has an inferior country.

Btw, SoF walled plenty of 45 second kill runs. NBK did the same to them as well.
So many ways to die, only one way to live...

Billyjoe of UCF Game profile


Feb 14th 2011, 20:37:02

Once again not complaining at all about losing countries and it wasn't even mine. And if you don't have an sms bot I would be surprised but what ever im sure most clans do. However to my knowledge focus doesn't I wish they did lol.

Im more or less complaining that current state of warring is lame and that is all im in the game for.

Tbh I don't know why im even trying to bring change because im pretty sure this is my last set/ war here. Its just lame and truly a waste of time. Which a waste of free time is probably what a game should be but it isn't fun.

Kill4Free Game profile


Feb 14th 2011, 20:40:10

Warring was always lame, although it is better now cause it takes skill rather then time.

Back in old earth, you would just run thousands of countries, or use a bot to run em or whatever people did, which is as far from fair as you can get.

Now both sides stand on equal grounds, with the same tools available. You can't pick up a knife, and have another fellow pick up a sword, then complain when he has an advantage, and it say it should be balanced.
So many ways to die, only one way to live...

NukEvil Game profile


Feb 14th 2011, 20:52:45

Originally posted by smegma:
Originally posted by NukEvil: you have any idea how long a killrun would take on a country if everyone was limited to one hit per second? If that was put into effect, whoever had the most countries would kill the fastest. It'd take the skill out of warring almost altogether.

Does anyone have a dictionary this man can borrow? I think he needs to look up the word skill.

And I take it that you just posted that, with the sole intention of flaming. Because if you had put any thought into the topic of the thread, you would have realized some of the implications of hard-limiting everyone to 1 hit/second.

Implications such as...almost no one would get kills. 8 minutes is too long a killrun for a proper war. Being this is FFA, I can kinda sorta understand what the problem is--people have more countries at their disposal. But, pretty much everyone here has internet accessibility mere seconds away from the time they get that call or that SMS saying that they're being hit. Take away the people living in areas with poor internet connections, people whose workplaces block Earth:Empires, etc., and you haven't really done much at all.

You'd only get kills on countries whose owners are too slow to log in--which is the case in any war, really. In the case of 1 hit/sec killchats, the only way for a country to die faster is for more countries to start hitting. Where's the skill in that? Wars would grind to a stalemate, and unless a war was heavily lopsided in one's favor (or unless someone forgot to restart), there would be no clear winners.
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

smegma Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 14th 2011, 21:10:58

actually, yes i did

martian Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Feb 14th 2011, 21:25:43

I actually tested speed hitting for the admin to get a rough idea of what is reasonably possible for manual hitting. 6-7 hits/second is nothing compared to what is possible playing legitimately (and I tested using a below average speed connection with a 7 year old computer).
you are all special in the eyes of fluff
( ._.) -----)-->
(_(' )(' )


kemo Game profile


Feb 14th 2011, 21:33:32

so basically cause yall cant or wont even try to do what they do you want the game mechanics dumbed down to your level?

i mean if thats the case then fluff i cant pitch near as fast as randy johnson could. i should petition bud selig i guess
all praised to ra

Billyjoe of UCF Game profile


Feb 14th 2011, 22:07:04

Lol in correct and 1 hit per second per owner is still a 3-4 minute kill assuming only one person... if you have 2 its under 2 minutes etc.

I don't see how that is so imba and would kill the game. But what ever.

Also I speed kill myself im not complaining about either side having any crazy advantage i'm simply stating 30 seconds or less to wall/defend yourself is pretty rediculous. Assuming you have a life and actually leave your computer.

Akula Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 14th 2011, 22:25:57

3-4 seconds is quite do-able BJ - no bot even vaguely involved
"Astra inclinant, sed non obligant"


Popcom Game profile


Feb 14th 2011, 22:30:57

imo walling takes half the fun out of the game.
i don't like speed killing, but you gotta do it

~If at first you don't succeed, you are clearly not Popcom~

Bsnake Game profile


Feb 14th 2011, 22:55:36

the key to killing has always been speed.... regardless of anything else...

if u have 2/3/4/5/6 ppl killing at once its fast and countries die quick... even better when u have ppl on fast connections...

stonewalling is fairly new to most FFA ppl based on only having 16 but still cant always save u... its all part of the lotto and randomness of the game...
<bsnake> 68,270,386 turrets whats that in NW??
<Crippler> 115m NW
<Bsnake> 38 mill NW nub... thanks for your netting advice.. Stick to killing nub

Pain Game profile


Feb 14th 2011, 23:00:43

you would seriously have to have NO life to be able to wall a 45 second KR. my laptop takes at least 15 seconds to go from hybernation to be able to open IE. then another 10 seconds to log in to my country. if youre not sitting next to your computer theres no way to effectively wall a KR that fast.

with that said, putting out 6-7 hits per second isnt THAT hard i would say an average of 3-4 is more common but ive done up to 8 a second just spamming the enter key, however it was never a consistent 8, it would do 8 1 sec, 4 another, maybe 6 the next. etc
Your mother is a nice woman

Billyjoe of UCF Game profile


Feb 14th 2011, 23:05:26

Akula I don't think you read the post I wasn't saying a bot was involved lol

Kill4Free Game profile


Feb 14th 2011, 23:08:43

I can wall a KR within 45 sec on my phone. As for anywhere else I work on a computer as a graphics designer, so I am close to a computer.

People are very quick to say something isn't possible, just cause they never did it I find.

As for speed hitting, the best I pulled was 14 a second, hard to keep that up though.
So many ways to die, only one way to live...

synoder Game profile


Feb 15th 2011, 0:23:26

I agree with pain that most people would not be able to wall in 45 seconds even if they were home. Which is why we hit fast :)

I don't really understand how hitting fast takes the skill out of warring? Hitting fast is part of what makes a good killer, of course you have to be effecient with it as well and thats the hard part.

martian Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Feb 15th 2011, 0:27:17

actually the issue of implementing a hit rate limit did come up several months ago and it was decided that we wouldn't do it unless there was some way to get an insane number of hits per second...
you are all special in the eyes of fluff
( ._.) -----)-->
(_(' )(' )


synoder Game profile


Feb 15th 2011, 0:31:01

The highest I have seen is 12 per sec.

Kill4Free Game profile


Feb 15th 2011, 0:33:36

Originally posted by synoder:
I agree with pain that most people would not be able to wall in 45 seconds even if they were home. Which is why we hit fast :)

I don't really understand how hitting fast takes the skill out of warring? Hitting fast is part of what makes a good killer, of course you have to be effecient with it as well and thats the hard part.

Hitting fast with a group, with multiple countries each, without wasting Boatloads of military, does take skill.

And martian, there is a self limiter built into the game. The time it takes for a turn to process, is the limiter. Since a non tyr takes twice as many turns per hit, its maximum hit rate is halved. Although due to human reflexes you rarely even match the hit rate of a non tyr by spamming buttons.
But it is not possible to do more then 7 hits per turn worth of attacking.

And Syn I did 14 a second on my tyr!
So many ways to die, only one way to live...

Crippler ICD Game profile


Feb 15th 2011, 7:36:59

I think my biggest issue on this topic is being able to be in multiple countries at the same time :)

[14:26] <enshula> i cant believe im going to say this
[14:26] <enshula> crippler is giving us correct netting advice

joeskin Game profile


Feb 15th 2011, 11:13:37

Sons of Liberty -

joeskin Sol kicker (#1123) [abSOLute] -> VolonterR (#1193) [RIVAL] 18C 116B

Desperado Game profile


Feb 16th 2011, 5:17:40

you know.. it really doesn't matter if it takes 2 people 30 seconds to kill a country, or 20, it's still going to be dead really quick

did you know, with 240 attacks on average needed to kill a country, it'd take less than 15 seconds for 20 people to kill a country... hitting only once per second?

Originally posted by Primeval:
pants antler

Bsnake Game profile


Feb 16th 2011, 5:20:04

there are only 2 clans with 20 members Despie....i doubt any of them would have 100% in a wc...

sorry bored and being picky lol
<bsnake> 68,270,386 turrets whats that in NW??
<Crippler> 115m NW
<Bsnake> 38 mill NW nub... thanks for your netting advice.. Stick to killing nub

Desperado Game profile


Feb 16th 2011, 5:23:33

geez, picky

it'd take 45 seconds for 5 people hitting once every second

happy now?! :P

Originally posted by Primeval:
pants antler

Bsnake Game profile


Feb 16th 2011, 5:27:27

lol never happy :)
<bsnake> 68,270,386 turrets whats that in NW??
<Crippler> 115m NW
<Bsnake> 38 mill NW nub... thanks for your netting advice.. Stick to killing nub

Rico Game profile


Feb 16th 2011, 5:30:58

I click attack, let the page load, back, attack, let the page load, back, attack, let the page load, back, attack, let the page load, back, etc, etc, etc.

I'm good for 1 attack every 4 seconds. But you know what, dead is dead. Doesn't matter how fast it gets there, the game is still limited by the number of turns you have.

Havoc Game profile


Feb 16th 2011, 5:36:50

a lot of times i just don't care enough to rush to get online quick enough to wall. It's also annoying having to explain to people that you need to rush to get to a computer to stop people online from killing my imaginary peoples, lets finish this conversation later! Or like today, I walled for a bit then got bored/distracted and you rushed me a few minutes later when i was doin homework.. :/
Unholy Monks | The Omega

Desperado Game profile


Feb 16th 2011, 5:38:07

I just do my attack, the results load, I hit back, and then hit enter about 60 times, boom, 120 turns used in 10 seconds lol

Originally posted by Primeval:
pants antler

TNTroXxor Game profile


Feb 16th 2011, 10:46:19

Lol reading this post reminds me of MorT's whinning post
Originally posted by JJ23:
i havent been deleted since last set