
Donny Game profile


Sep 12th 2011, 19:59:48

what happened?

Dear Asians who say they're not ninjas just because they're Asian,
That's exactly what a ninja would say.

Mars UP Game profile


Sep 12th 2011, 20:15:30

IMP for the tagkill

Donny Game profile


Sep 12th 2011, 20:15:48

rofl they are still hitting them


Dear Asians who say they're not ninjas just because they're Asian,
That's exactly what a ninja would say.

vern Game profile


Sep 12th 2011, 20:16:27

ask rockman "why" it happened

mrford Game profile


Sep 12th 2011, 20:17:39

Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Mars UP Game profile


Sep 12th 2011, 20:25:48


Pain Game profile


Sep 13th 2011, 0:57:45

rockman the new gregg?
Your mother is a nice woman

Yamaha Game profile


Sep 13th 2011, 1:21:43

You are being Dishonest! I am the only honest person left in the interwebs!!!
Paradigm - The Nuthouse
IMP - Haters Gonna Hate

ZDH Game profile


Sep 13th 2011, 5:01:49

Originally posted by mrford:

IDK why your posting anything you cried and quit when we hit you.

NOW3P Game profile


Sep 13th 2011, 5:05:26

Originally posted by Pain:
rockman the new gregg?

At the very least, you gotta give him credit for knowing a hell of a lot more about how to run a decent country than gregg.

mrford Game profile


Sep 13th 2011, 5:45:53

Originally posted by ZDH:
Originally posted by mrford:

IDK why your posting anything you cried and quit when we hit you.

you are 100% correct. i Quit playing all servers just because Mercs hit my clan. you are the best clan of all time.

lol get over yourself dipfluff. i have 2 kids under 2 years old, a wife that just went back to work, and a demanding job. browsing the boards every few hours isnt the same as running 45 countries. I am a warer, and i dont have the time to war, so i wony play. i know that might be difficult to grasp, but thats the way it is.

edit: i also dont remember crying when Mercs and Salt hit CC, i do remember loling and stating that CC was planning to hit Mercs, Salt, and Ares like 10 days later.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

locket Game profile


Sep 13th 2011, 5:48:32

you fluffed your clan over. GJ ford

mrford Game profile


Sep 13th 2011, 5:50:02

i did? how is that?

mdevol and akula were wanting to kill Rockman for over a week before i got in an argument with him and finally agreed with them and we went along with it. just because i was the most vocal about it you assume that it was my idea, and thats a pretty comical and ignorant conclusion now isnt it?
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford



Sep 13th 2011, 5:57:51

Not to mention at the time he did quit, one of his children had a really bad fever. Any sane parent would place the welfare of their child over this game.
SOTA President

a.k.a. Stryke
Originally posted by Bsnake:
I was sitting there wondering how many I could kill with one set of chopsticks

Yamaha Game profile


Sep 13th 2011, 5:58:45

Paradigm - The Nuthouse
IMP - Haters Gonna Hate

mrford Game profile


Sep 13th 2011, 5:58:59

nope, mercs made me quit, havnt you learned anything?
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

KyleCleric Game profile


Sep 13th 2011, 6:04:04

what's a merc?
This is our fluffing city. And no one is going to dictate our freedom. Stay strong.

jagernacht Game profile


Sep 13th 2011, 6:13:37

Like nightshade said, mrford has a real life outside of the game. I doubt any one can demoralize anyone into not playing every single server... and like he said, it wasn't only his idea to attack rockman. In fact, he said he was last to agree to do so. and IMP wanted to do it too... and everyone else. I like mercs and I like cc, and dont even see how this matters since this is a thread about Mercs vs IMP...
they call meh juggsy!!!
AIM: juggernautnbk

ZDH Game profile


Sep 13th 2011, 6:33:19

We warred. And Mercs/Salt won.

We where going to hit IMP FOCUS said don't they where going to fight them we didn't they FS'd us.

So a CC member (Donny) makes a thread to flame Mercs.

Mrford then posts trying to be a smartass just stop posting to tend to your "sick" children.

It's CC trying to talk fluff on here that irritates me. IMP has a reason to talk fluff they beat didn't.

jagernacht Game profile


Sep 13th 2011, 6:42:21

oh fluff, donny is in CC? lol forgot about that.

i'm in neither anyways...

ZDH, you are in Mercs?
they call meh juggsy!!!
AIM: juggernautnbk

ZDH Game profile


Sep 13th 2011, 6:57:49


mrford Game profile


Sep 13th 2011, 7:07:26

lol ur a class act. i dont have "sick children" to attend to. i have a 2 year old that likes to demolish everything he can get his hands on and a 3 month old daughter that does get ear infections about once a month yet she is too young for a permanent remedy so we just have to manage the condition for now. its not like im raising 2 cripples. and its also not necessary for both my children to be sick for it to be time consuming to raise a 2 year old and a 3 month old when both me and my wife have full time careers.

i understand that your blind and misplaced hatred. and well, lets be honest, plain stupidity because you thought the US rocket program of the 60s was ran by the jews LOL, but the world doesnt revolve around this game. i still post on these forums for a few reasons. I cant let NOW3P pass me in posts, and when im feeding, burping, or just watching my youngest i get out my iPod and read through the forums. Like right now, its 3am, and shes not sleeping. Its my night to take care of her, so while im watching her im on my cell every 30 or so minutes looking forward to reading the stupidity that you constantly spew. it is very entertaining if it is any consolation to you.

in addition, just monitoring the boards a few times a day does not equal running 16 countries on FFA, 1 on alliance, one on primary, one on tourny, one on alpha, and 25 on alphaFFA. and waring on most of them. im sure you can easily make this correlation. I have been a part of this community for the better part of 10+ years and with your permission i will continue to post in here wherever and however i care to.

now that i have taken the time to explain myself for the umpteenth time, you can kindly shove it up your ass

Edited By: mrford on Sep 13th 2011, 7:11:50. Reason: silly typos
See Original Post
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

ZDH Game profile


Sep 13th 2011, 7:21:51

"I have been a part of this community for the better part of 10+ years and with your permission i will continue to post in here wherever and however i care to."

Permission denied.


locket Game profile


Sep 13th 2011, 8:04:57

lol zdh :P The end of Mr Ford happened here ;)

Donny Game profile


Sep 13th 2011, 10:07:32

all i was doing is saying LOL.

dammn laughing is a crime these days :)

fyi i still have 10 originals mercs. You didn't beat me yet that's for sure :)

Edited By: Donny on Sep 13th 2011, 10:10:35
See Original Post

Dear Asians who say they're not ninjas just because they're Asian,
That's exactly what a ninja would say.

Donny Game profile


Sep 13th 2011, 10:12:55

fs with 16+ countries= after FS you have 1/3 more countries.

simple math. if we got the fs it would have been same thing just reversed.

Dear Asians who say they're not ninjas just because they're Asian,
That's exactly what a ninja would say.

Donny Game profile


Sep 13th 2011, 10:34:29

tag hits kills hpk defends deaths hpd
CC 16891 83 204 27971 123 227
Total 16891 83 204 27971 123 227
Bad Guys
tag hits kills hpk defends deaths hpd
SALT 15267 73 209 11655 63 185
Mercs 12704 50 254 5236 20 262
Total 27971 123 227 16891 83 204

You guys act like you gave us a total beat down..
when in reality you were only the 40kill fs ahead of us.

so i was NOT talking fluff i was just LOLing you clowns giving up and criticizing everyone else for taking a break.

Dear Asians who say they're not ninjas just because they're Asian,
That's exactly what a ninja would say.

Donny Game profile


Sep 13th 2011, 10:36:14

but now i AM talking fluff.


because I can.

Dear Asians who say they're not ninjas just because they're Asian,
That's exactly what a ninja would say.

m0bzta Game profile


Sep 13th 2011, 12:27:08

Donny i am proud of you

Yeah i am a Big Deal Around EarthEmpires
-Still doing what i do since 2000-mob bot

Rockman Game profile


Sep 13th 2011, 12:31:02

Donny - you left out the fact that you had 16 1m+ countries tag up 30 hours into the war, and then had a 32 member tag jump in about 66 hours into the war.

The Mercs/Salt FS was 59 kills, the CC CS was 26 kills, a difference of 33. Add in the 16 you got 6 hours or so after the FS was done, and that makes it 192-162 (those 16 had turns when they jumped in, too). Thats about 84%, not about 67%.
Add in PoD's 32 which you got about 42 hours after the FS, and that gives you a numerical advantage of 194-192, even when the 33 kill advantage of the FS is factored in, which otherwise puts you at a 227-192 advantage.

The final tally of kills if you include PoD was 146-90, a difference of 56. Thats a difference of 23 more kills for Salt/Mercs after the CS was done.

But the main difference is that you went for the easy kills on Salt countries which were easier to break than the Mercs countries. Even just by the time the CS was finished, Mercs countries were beginning to outgrow CC, and CC was lacking the breaking power to be able to kill most of Mercs without having to resort to lemming attacks.

By the time you tagged up your new recruit Mike, Mercs had already passed CC in TNW. Mercs passed CC in TNW before CC began to focus its attention on Salt. At the time Mercs passed CC in TNW, CC had killed 15 Salt countries and 12 Mercs countries. CC then even did its next 2 kills on Mercs, making it just 15-14 at one point. After that point, CC did 47 kills on Salt and 6 kills on Mercs. The decision to focus your attacks on Salt came AFTER Mercs passed CC in TNW.

You made the tactical decision to focus your attention on Salt, rather than focus on the harder to kill countries in Mercs, and while it kept you from falling too far behind in kills, it led to a huge networth disparity between Mercs and CC.

Most likely your plan was to first take out Salt's lower networth countries, and then to lemming down Mercs' breakers. But you realized less then a week into the war, that Mercs' economic power was far too much for that strategy to work, and that you had indeed lost.

You guys got your asses whooped.

Warster Game profile


Sep 13th 2011, 13:14:59

no comment
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332

Chaoswind Game profile


Sep 13th 2011, 13:47:41

That is in itself a comment :)
Elysium Lord of fluff
PDM Lord of fluff
Flamey = Fatty
Crazymatt is Fatty 2

Billi_AoDT Game profile


Sep 13th 2011, 15:13:08

i was breaking mercs everyday. not our fault you quit your life to wall.

Rockman Game profile


Sep 13th 2011, 15:56:11

Originally posted by Billi_AoDT:
i was breaking mercs everyday. not our fault you quit your life to wall.

After the first 6 hours, CC did zero GS or BR on my countries. I didn't have to quit my life to wall. You couldn't break me.

Rockman Game profile


Sep 13th 2011, 16:20:34

Originally posted by Billi_AoDT:
i was breaking mercs everyday. not our fault you quit your life to wall.

I just checked the news (bored at work).

6 Mercs countries got on to stonewall after you got your first 14 kills on us. You only attempted 12 kill runs on Mercs after the first 30 hours of the war. We stonewalled half of those killruns. Its funny how stonewalling 6 times over the last 5 days of the war intimidated you so much. One of those times stonewalling, you guys even lemminged him down first.

CC broke Mercs with GS or BR on just 12 countries in the last 5 days of the war, and was not targeting Mercs' top countries.

mdevol Game profile


Sep 13th 2011, 16:25:03

wow, this again?. rock you forget to remember ford still had coutries left so it wasnt a complete addition of 16. and we also had another full string quit and delete before the cf was in effect. so we were only up like 20 after calling in pod and mike joining (and if salt didnt ror farm him he never would have joined in the first place) so talk to your ally about that.
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

Rockman Game profile


Sep 13th 2011, 16:56:10

Mr Ford should have just let us waste turns killing his 10 remaining countries rather than self-deleting them. We aren't responsible for his poor decision.

Regardless, a few things should be fairly easy for both sides to argee on.

1) Mercs & Salt won.
2) Mercs could not have won without Salt's help. Mercs would not have even made it close without Salt's help.
3) Mercs/Salt were about even numberwise to CC before the FS, and after the FS had a noticeable, but not overwhelming numbers advantage.
4) CC focused fairly evenly on Salt/Mercs for the first 24 hours.
5) CC focused on Salt for the remainder of the war.
6) When CC chose to focus on Salt, Salt had the less dangerous countries.
7) Mercs passed CC in TNW about 30 hours into the war.
8) Mercs ended the war with far more TNW than CC.
9) CC had leadership issues which hampered their war effort, and normally will perform better than they did.
10) The effort by Salt/Mercs was impressive.

mrford Game profile


Sep 13th 2011, 17:05:44

11) rockman is a liar
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Rockman Game profile


Sep 13th 2011, 17:31:04

Originally posted by mrford:
11) rockman is a liar

Not unless you can prove it :)

Oh, and LCN is #11

Donny Game profile


Sep 13th 2011, 18:06:24

rockman is an idiot. period. he wonders why big alliances like IMP jumped him.

12) do it by yourself then talk
13) mford will keep playing unless he deletes. i understand his choice
14) your lucky unap for upcoming reset
15) you smell
16) would have been even closer if POD didnt AB FS rofl WITH DEMOS!

Edited By: Donny on Sep 13th 2011, 21:10:03
See Original Post

Dear Asians who say they're not ninjas just because they're Asian,
That's exactly what a ninja would say.

Rockman Game profile


Sep 13th 2011, 18:22:03

Donny - its not because they are big, its because I'm a pain in the ass to delusional alliances who dislike their delusions being spoiled.

Dickie Game profile


Sep 13th 2011, 18:28:25

Originally posted by Rockman:
Originally posted by mrford:
11) rockman is a liar

Not unless you can prove it :)

Oh, and LCN is #11

+1 Rockman, thx for looking after us guys in LCN.. 11th place is ours!!


DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Sep 13th 2011, 21:30:46

Don't laugh at the AB FS :)

Our plans were discussed with CC leadership prior to our FS.

The overall goal was to distract MERCS so CC could gain some ground on Salt.

Our plan was pretty simple. Go after MERCS Breakers, if they got on to wall, switch to AB's. We were not war prepped, and didn't have breakers of our own to begin with.

Rockman will try to say "But you had countries with 600m cash". Yeah around 6 of our 32 countries had 500m-600m cash on hand. None of those countries had war techs or enough military for war purchased at that point. MERCS on the other hand had full war techs, good breaker military and 500m+ cash on hand.

In the end, PoD did what we planned. We distracted MERCS and disabled some of there breakers. CC made a good effort in trying to regain control over Salt, but Salt kept up there restart rate and CC wasn't able to make up enough ground to change the outcome of the war.
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

Rockman Game profile


Sep 13th 2011, 21:40:53

Originally posted by DeDLySMuRF:
Don't laugh at the AB FS :)

Our plans were discussed with CC leadership prior to our FS.

The overall goal was to distract MERCS so CC could gain some ground on Salt.

Our plan was pretty simple. Go after MERCS Breakers, if they got on to wall, switch to AB's. We were not war prepped, and didn't have breakers of our own to begin with.

Rockman will try to say "But you had countries with 600m cash". Yeah around 6 of our 32 countries had 500m-600m cash on hand. None of those countries had war techs or enough military for war purchased at that point. MERCS on the other hand had full war techs, good breaker military and 500m+ cash on hand.

In the end, PoD did what we planned. We distracted MERCS and disabled some of there breakers. CC made a good effort in trying to regain control over Salt, but Salt kept up there restart rate and CC wasn't able to make up enough ground to change the outcome of the war.

You ABd two of our techers, one of which belonged to CX and was a few days behind on turns and wasn't a breaker.

You ABd our dictator cashers, not our breakers.

DeDLySMuRF Game profile


Sep 13th 2011, 21:53:23

We AB'd what we could. Your breakers had alot more tanks than us.

When we started the war we had minimal tanks (10k-25k) and needed to buy up to 200k-300k just to break the ones we did, and we had other things we had to spend our stock on instead of more tanks, specifically Troops/Turrets since we started off with minimal Troops/Turrets as well.
FFA Server - Paragon of Duality
Alliance Server - Moral Decay

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 15th 2011, 17:47:10

I'm back with my old mates again. The laughter will be dealt with. You will be laughing out the otherside of your faces when next reset gets here.
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

mrford Game profile


Sep 15th 2011, 19:51:42

if your "skills" are anything like Gator or Mothers then i cant wait to laugh. they were the slowest hitters of all time and i used to rip my hair out when they were breaking for me in NA. all talk no action they were. guess they remember the times where there were no news feeds and speed didnt matter all too well. otherwise GL with your new clan.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

locket Game profile


Sep 15th 2011, 19:56:05

You are talking?