
Captain Planet


Apr 14th 2016, 20:02:31

i know you hit yourself but is there a pattern or formula to follow for optimal results?

Akula Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 14th 2016, 21:15:21

self-farming sounds so much like self-harming :(
"Astra inclinant, sed non obligant"




Apr 14th 2016, 21:26:05

Originally posted by Akula:
self-farming sounds so much like self-harming :(

it's self-harming if you, uh..., grab yourself wrong.

Raging Budda Game profile


Apr 14th 2016, 22:52:06

Returns work pretty the same as hitting countries that aren't yours outside of the country:country set-long DRs that you have to factor in.
Your base is mine!

drkprinc Game profile


Apr 15th 2016, 7:27:00

you need to make 7 patterns all hitting in a circle to maximize your growth as country to country dr resets every 7 days.

Hit your smallest to your largest to start with, best way is grow one 15% larger than the rest before you are ready to self farm.

so a simple start is 2 hits 1, 3 hits 2, 4 hits 3, 5 hits 4, 6 hits 5, 7 hits 6, 8 hits 7, 9 hits 8, 10 hits 9, 11 hits 10, 12 hits 11, 13 hits 12, 14 hits 13, 15 hits 14, 16 hits 15 and then 1 hits 16, Make sure you take in the finish time of your trades and start that pattern again 7 days after.

Matching your nw's within 5% for maximum base gains.

Military strategy increases gains, and ghost are calculated off gains, so more gains = more ghost.
(<(<>(<>.(<>..<>).<>)<>)>) - 0.o - LaF - IMP

Captain Planet


Apr 15th 2016, 13:57:52

A hits B; A has DR 0 / B has DR 1
B hits A; B has DR 0 / A has DR 1
When a country gets hit, DR of 1. If it does a grab, DR drops by 1
Some players do
A - B
B - A
B - A
A - B
A - B
B - A
hope this makes sense.


that's a message from snippet. does that hold value because the dr info seems different. i can be wrong so further clarification would be appreciated.

Thanks for everybody's help!



Apr 15th 2016, 17:02:32

What drkprinc posted looks spot on and is probably the best answer you'll find. I haven't tried it but most likely will or at least some key elements of it. The pattern I sent you is what's appeared in the news.

The part about DR I sent you is from using earthgraphs. After a few rounds of DR being passed around, lower gains become obvious. A week long country to country DR that earthgraphs doesn't indicate makes sense as an answer to this. earthgraphs is a good site we're lucky to have access to. I'm not knocking it.

Props to drkprinc for the post.

Marshal Game profile


Apr 15th 2016, 19:53:39

earthgraphs, eestats, etc count dr wrong (by old rule).
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

drkprinc Game profile


Apr 15th 2016, 22:28:43

forgot to mention build your acres before taking a hit from your other country ghost acres are free buildings and if you have unbuilt land that means less buildings to make ghost from.
(<(<>(<>.(<>..<>).<>)<>)>) - 0.o - LaF - IMP

xCisco Game profile


Apr 18th 2016, 2:26:36

hmm, things are sure different..

Captain Planet


Apr 18th 2016, 15:17:36

so i wanted to sort of do a short-blog on the progress of this. many of you may already know the ins and outs but i have seen different info and maybe we can all contribute for overall progression. that and it will help me memorialize some of the stuff.

Day 13- started self-farming; went repub for the fast exploration; at first i was self farming as repub but then i saw dictator has more ghost acres; contemplated tyranny for the land gains and perhaps in the future i will try; went from 159,969 acres to 177,399; started doing 4-5 hits on each country; switched to ps for more gains(nominal but noticeable);

question to the public: what should be a good amount of construction sites i attain to build land rapidly?

Dragon Game profile


Apr 18th 2016, 15:35:37

I always liked to do between 125 and 150BPT (buildings per turn) and that might not have been enough.

I never figured it out, but you'll hit reciprocity failure at some point where you spend more turns building construction sites than it saves you when actually doing the building.

Uncle James Game profile


Apr 18th 2016, 21:44:36

Well for the people in the know> Dark Prince put all 16 of his countries in the top 50 last reset so I would trust what he says to the letter> Think about that 16 were his and the other 32 were the rest of the people playing the game except my one that was in the top 25 and Primeval's top ten one that makes 50> GOOD LUCK.

Captain Planet


Apr 20th 2016, 14:12:33

so i messed up lol; i sort of skipped a country and it threw me off for a second but i think i recovered a bit.

350 cs avg on each country
11k avg on each country
190,270 land total

i didn't gain as much land as my first self farm round but i still went up. on my first round i gained 17430 and on second round i gained 12871 acres.

tempted to do something different where i farm the bottom 8 with ss instead of ps. i see other countries with way higher land so adjustments are in order.

drkprinc Game profile


Apr 21st 2016, 8:16:11

trinkle the land up is usually easier then trying to keep everything equal. PS is usually always the best idea as you want to get the most land return per turn used overall but if you are feeding it up quickly to just 1 or 2 then combination of SS on the low return hits and PS on the big gain hits.
(<(<>(<>.(<>..<>).<>)<>)>) - 0.o - LaF - IMP