
ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

May 13th 2020, 22:08:07

Statement: Women have an advantage over Men in every day life.

Initial Argument - Women have been getting their way for millennia, though it isn't the same way Men may accomplish their agenda. As the saying goes, behind every strong Man there is a stronger Woman. Now, the weak willed or weak minded women want to tip the balance by competing with Men at Men's game. Society does not make special allowances for other weak willed or weak minded Men (barring race, sexual preference, etc.). Just because a baseball player may be a hall of famer, doesn't mean they should be accepted into the hall of fame for football. I bring in Sun Tzu's Art of War to put it into perspective

"For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill. Hence to fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

Women had their equality (maybe even an advantage), but now they are getting greedy. Not only can you overpower any man with skin, touch, promise of ecstasy....but now, you want to extend your reach and compete on a "Man's level". For what? "Respect from society"?

1. A real man respects a woman for being a real Woman. So if you feel the need to be equal to a man, its because you aren't with a man.

2. "Respect from society" as an equal gets you - half the bill, half the lifting, half the financial burden, half the decision making, half the open doors, and half the compliments. With 100% of the burdens of being a woman and 0% of what a husband owns.

3. "No respect from society" gets you - none of the bill, none of the lifting, none of the financial burden, none of the decision making (or 100% of it when you want it), 100% doors open, and 100% compliments. With the potential of a lesser burden of being a woman and 50% of what a husband owns. (nanny, maid, etc)

Final Statement: If I could be successful in having someone else do what I want and put in less time or effort.....I would. Without respect needed. Here are all of the things that would be damn near impossible for me to do because I am a man. ( Side Note: If you take offense or feel specifically targeted by any of these below, that is on you and your issues. These are general statements and I don't believe all women will do these things. But I do believe they *could* and be more successful than I)

- Sleep my way to the top
- Dance for money
- Get anyone to open anything for me ever. Jar, door, pants....
- Cry and get forgiven for anything. Every time.
- Be sexually attractive
- Look at friends boobs without it being creepy
- Fondle friends boobs without it being creepy
- Fondle multiple friends boobs at the same time without it being creepy
- Fondle boobs. Boobs. Booooooobs.
- Eat food on camera and get paid
- Look good during an orgasm instead of a deaf person trying to count stars by memory



May 13th 2020, 22:28:58

I love this but I think you should post it here.
Dev encouraging it

Raging Budda Game profile


May 13th 2020, 22:34:36

Is this a joke?

Just to be clear, I'm a dude, not a big surprise. But in 95% of circumstances, I find it easier being a guy rather than a woman. Guys have less social pressure on appearance. I could go on for more.
Your base is mine!

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

May 13th 2020, 22:58:07

Originally posted by Raging Budda:
Is this a joke?

Just to be clear, I'm a dude, not a big surprise. But in 95% of circumstances, I find it easier being a guy rather than a woman. Guys have less social pressure on appearance. I could go on for more.

Why is a woman more pressured on appearance? Do you agree with that statement? What is the goal of each side? Which side imposes this single example you bring up?

Mr Gainsboro Game profile

EE Patron

May 13th 2020, 23:28:58

Girls have it so much worse. Would never trade. Just the fluff about always being less physical able and pretty much have to be affraid all the time. Screw that
Don of LaF

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

May 13th 2020, 23:36:27

Originally posted by Mr Gainsboro:
Girls have it so much worse. Would never trade. Just the fluff about always being less physical able and pretty much have to be affraid all the time. Screw that

Its not a question about trading. Its a question of whether you believe they are equal or not and if a world where women are as physically able as men is an equal world or a better world.

Drow Game profile


May 13th 2020, 23:54:31

I think your initial premise is wrong, and that you're making a lot of pretty damn sexist assumptions.

Let's start with "sleep their way to the top"
If that was the case, we would have universal, or near universal female control of everything, CEO's, prime ministers, presidents, etc etc.

2. "respect from society" this one is a funny one, that favours both in some aspects, but men overall. women today generally ARE expected to do half the lifting, share half the burden, and make half or more of the decisions. Burdens stil tend to be on the man rather than the woman, however, the man also still actively earns more per hour, and it gets worse as you go higher up the ladder, than a woman for the same job, and the same number of hours, especially in the US where minimum wage laws are effectively nonexistent. That's not to say that women always earn less, there are going to be women you meet who earn the same or more than you, but they are the exception, not the rule. Women are also disproportionately less represented the higher up the ladder you go.

On your final statement, you already do. Women, and minorities, also have to work significantly harder to attain an equal position, because people automatically dismiss them, for a start as not knowing what they are talking about.

Whilst we have come a long way from many years ago in terms of equality, we still have a long way to go.

One other thought. Women are expected to look after the cvhildren, do the housework, do the shopping, cook the meals etc, and go to work.
Men are expected to go to work, and come home. Maybe mow the lawn on occasion. Who do you think has the bigger burden there?

Paradigm President of failed speeling

"EE's DILF" - Coalie



May 14th 2020, 0:28:44

I think he meant that some women can sleep their way to top not all women.

The equality depends on the people in charge. I've worked jobs where all the heavy lifting was done by the males and had a leadership change that produced a mix effort when supplies came in.

I have also seen departments run entirely by women with all the members of that department being women. The hiring was by the department supervisor. Compare this to other departments that have a healthy mixture of men and women throughout it.

So it is hard to determine if we are all equal at work because my run ends have been dictated by those in charge.

Obama did uneven the playing fields in S.T.E.M careers by putting a higher priority on hiring people of color / non males. I wish they did away with names on resumes and only hire by the experience and education.
Dev encouraging it

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

May 14th 2020, 0:44:42

Originally posted by Drow:
I think your initial premise is wrong, and that you're making a lot of pretty damn sexist assumptions.

You are entitled to your opinion of course. Though I dont see where the sexist assumptions are. If you are referring to the final statement.....that was more opinion. I put in a disclaimer, pointed mostly at men due to the chivalrous nature of some.

Let's start with "sleep their way to the top"
If that was the case, we would have universal, or near universal female control of everything, CEO's, prime ministers, presidents, etc etc.

Again. I stated women would be more successful at this than I would be and again that I would do it if I had the ability. Neither of these statements are false.

2. "respect from society" this one is a funny one, that favours both in some aspects, but men overall. women today generally ARE expected to do half the lifting, share half the burden, and make half or more of the decisions. Burdens stil tend to be on the man rather than the woman, however, the man also still actively earns more per hour, and it gets worse as you go higher up the ladder, than a woman for the same job, and the same number of hours, especially in the US where minimum wage laws are effectively nonexistent. That's not to say that women always earn less, there are going to be women you meet who earn the same or more than you, but they are the exception, not the rule. Women are also disproportionately less represented the higher up the ladder you go.

I agree that it is now more expected of women to share the burden. But why? Again, you are describing what I am stating. If men were tasked with cutting trees, and women were tasked with building houses. Does it make sense for women to cut trees and still build houses? Why does cutting a tree deserve more respect than building a house? Based on that premise, is it now less equal since the move for equality?

On your final statement, you already do. Women, and minorities, also have to work significantly harder to attain an equal position, because people automatically dismiss them, for a start as not knowing what they are talking about.

Whilst we have come a long way from many years ago in terms of equality, we still have a long way to go.

One other thought. Women are expected to look after the cvhildren, do the housework, do the shopping, cook the meals etc, and go to work.
Men are expected to go to work, and come home. Maybe mow the lawn on occasion. Who do you think has the bigger burden there?

Again. It wasn't always this way. Do you expect women to look after the children, do the housework, shopping and cook the meals? If so, should they have to work? Do you believe men who look after the children, do the housework, shopping and cook meals need to work? Do you think less of them? Does society think less of them? Are men qualified to look after children in most cases? This isn't sexist when I say, men try to problem solve and women try to connect. What kind of future do you see for children if problem solving becomes a stronger parenting method than love?

Now what happens when both men and women are equally working. Equally sharing in the household. Perfect scenario is 50% work and 50% home on both sides and let's say opposite work schedules. Now zero time with each other as a couple. Less connection for the woman. Less feeling of need for the man. Where do we end up?

archaic Game profile


May 14th 2020, 0:53:11

Sounds like Zen just got dumped
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

May 14th 2020, 1:02:09

Originally posted by archaic:
Sounds like Zen just got dumped

My male Eskimo lover left me for a white rich girl and boy am I miffed.

braden Game profile


May 14th 2020, 1:37:31

if zen tried to sleep his way up the ladder and I were boss I'd fire him to save on hr and lawsuits.

if zeny tried to sleep her way to the top and I were the boss I'd get my fluff sucked and fire her for trying to sleep her way to the top.


braden Game profile


May 14th 2020, 1:40:49

(also grow up in a single parent household and cooking gets shared- or more to the point you learn how to make a meal when youre eleven. off topic maybe. sorry)

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

May 14th 2020, 11:14:40

This divide is all engineered by the lizards. Time to get going and eat your neighbors!

braden Game profile


May 14th 2020, 11:25:10

says the lizard who learned how to eat coral and shoot salt out his nose.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

May 14th 2020, 11:41:03

Please remember that Marina Abramović is 240 years old and looks like a 30 year old because she drinks the blood of human babies that she recieved from the Comet Ping Pong centered child trafficking ring that the democrats are running with john podesta and hillary clinton as ringleaders. Hillary Clinton is like 70 but looks 170 because she "cut" the blood wrong on purpose to remove suspicion. Don't let that fool you.

They are all lizard people. This is what they want.

#protectthechildren #eatyourneighbors #stopthelizards

Sov Game profile


May 14th 2020, 12:01:23

Originally posted by ZEN:
Statement: Women have an advantage over Men in every day life.

Initial Argument - Women have been getting their way for millennia, though it isn't the same way Men may accomplish their agenda. As the saying goes, behind every strong Man there is a stronger Woman. Now, the weak willed or weak minded women want to tip the balance by competing with Men at Men's game. Society does not make special allowances for other weak willed or weak minded Men (barring race, sexual preference, etc.). Just because a baseball player may be a hall of famer, doesn't mean they should be accepted into the hall of fame for football. I bring in Sun Tzu's Art of War to put it into perspective

"For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill. Hence to fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

Women had their equality (maybe even an advantage), but now they are getting greedy. Not only can you overpower any man with skin, touch, promise of ecstasy....but now, you want to extend your reach and compete on a "Man's level". For what? "Respect from society"?

1. A real man respects a woman for being a real Woman. So if you feel the need to be equal to a man, its because you aren't with a man.

2. "Respect from society" as an equal gets you - half the bill, half the lifting, half the financial burden, half the decision making, half the open doors, and half the compliments. With 100% of the burdens of being a woman and 0% of what a husband owns.

3. "No respect from society" gets you - none of the bill, none of the lifting, none of the financial burden, none of the decision making (or 100% of it when you want it), 100% doors open, and 100% compliments. With the potential of a lesser burden of being a woman and 50% of what a husband owns. (nanny, maid, etc)

Final Statement: If I could be successful in having someone else do what I want and put in less time or effort.....I would. Without respect needed. Here are all of the things that would be damn near impossible for me to do because I am a man. ( Side Note: If you take offense or feel specifically targeted by any of these below, that is on you and your issues. These are general statements and I don't believe all women will do these things. But I do believe they *could* and be more successful than I)

- Sleep my way to the top
- Dance for money
- Get anyone to open anything for me ever. Jar, door, pants....
- Cry and get forgiven for anything. Every time.
- Be sexually attractive
- Look at friends boobs without it being creepy
- Fondle friends boobs without it being creepy
- Fondle multiple friends boobs at the same time without it being creepy
- Fondle boobs. Boobs. Booooooobs.
- Eat food on camera and get paid
- Look good during an orgasm instead of a deaf person trying to count stars by memory

In my opinion, much of this only applies if the woman is attractive. Sadly for many of these women, they do not know the power they yield. But there are also those that do know.

Hardy Game profile


May 14th 2020, 12:39:54


ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

May 14th 2020, 14:45:22

Originally posted by Hardy:

So far, this might be the best post on the thread.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

May 14th 2020, 15:05:08

Eat your neighbors boobs.

Verenimija Game profile


May 14th 2020, 15:09:50

I think the ease/difficulty in life is split pretty equally. The ease for women has been pointed out.

The difficulties for women: Make-up/hair/nails, pregnancy, more domestic expectations, time of the month (however this could be argued either way, because most male bosses will allow a woman to stay home if it's their time of the month {men, try telling your boss it's your time of the month}), they are grudge holding cats who rarely truly like each other.

The ease that we (men) have over women: If dudes get in a fight, we finish it and get past it (generally), so-called "locker room talk", "bros before hoes" is much much truer than "sisters before misters", it generally takes us 15 minutes or less to go from bed to out the door, we generally are satisfied every sexual encounter, there's a reason we have wing men who are there to help us (wing women are just C blockers there to make thing more difficult).

But yes, the main reason I agree with Zen are the points about boobs. If we stay home fondling ourselves, we're creeps. If women do that, they make money on cam sites.

braden Game profile


May 14th 2020, 15:47:35

if you're from Sweden, gerdler, why don't you spell neighbour with a u?

just curious..

Suicidal Game profile


May 14th 2020, 16:09:51

1) For every good looking woman, there is a man that is tired of putting up with her fluff.

2) Woman need to stop reading about what men want. All men want from women is to feed us, f*ck us, and shut the hell up.

3) If you are a woman, and you are lucky enuff to have sex with a man, remember this; If you make the man sweat, you are
not doing it right.

* Have a sense of humor. I actually love and respect women. My Mom, unlike snowflake, is a woman. Snowflake has two bald-
headed daddys.



May 14th 2020, 16:53:57

i love how not a single woman has commented on your post ZEN
Ragnarok's Green Eyed Lady

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

May 14th 2020, 20:31:33



May 14th 2020, 20:49:11

preach Zen!

It boils down to whether you want equality of opportunity or equality of outcome

why do male models make so much less than female models? if it was truly about equality feminists should be outraged at this!

but they arent because they are disingenuous ugly single retards in their 40s who just want to hate on men and blame someone for the stupid decisions they made

SOF Head Of Poop
2019-04-03 21:40:26 PS the stinky deyicks (#599) Beryl Houston (#360) LaF 30638A (43783A)
En4cer: Chevs... u would have beaten me by more than 100m



May 14th 2020, 20:50:56

i changed my mind this needed its own post

SOF Head Of Poop
2019-04-03 21:40:26 PS the stinky deyicks (#599) Beryl Houston (#360) LaF 30638A (43783A)
En4cer: Chevs... u would have beaten me by more than 100m

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

May 14th 2020, 21:44:18

Originally posted by Ruthie:
i love how not a single woman has commented on your post ZEN


Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

braden Game profile


May 14th 2020, 21:50:54

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Ruthie:
i love how not a single woman has commented on your post ZEN


we all know how others here self identify?

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

May 14th 2020, 22:29:42

Originally posted by braden:
if you're from Sweden, gerdler, why don't you spell neighbour with a u?

just curious..

If I was paraphrasing a british internet troll I would spelt it with a 'u'!

UgolinoII Game profile

EE Patron

May 14th 2020, 23:04:10

man and women are not equal - whatever equal is supposed to mean? nor should they be, law of unintended consequences.

if one assumes that means women have a worse deal than men... well, I think that says more about that person's lack of perspective.

its all about perspective. anyone can whine about how they have it worse than some other guy. male, female, black, white, rich, poor... you get your cards its up to you how you play your hand.

whining about a fluffty deal... meh.

braden Game profile


May 14th 2020, 23:17:29

Originally posted by Gerdler:
Originally posted by braden:
if you're from Sweden, gerdler, why don't you spell neighbour with a u?

just curious..

If I was paraphrasing a british internet troll I would spelt it with a 'u'!

my understanding was everybody outside of murca uses the u for colour or humour or favour, etc.

I wasn't attacking you- I was genuinely interested. auto correct was my guess, set to murcan english.

I'm aint british, neither.

Edited By: braden on May 14th 2020, 23:19:31
See Original Post

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

May 14th 2020, 23:25:48

I never said you are a british internet troll...

braden Game profile


May 14th 2020, 23:27:32

I never said you did.

braden Game profile


May 14th 2020, 23:35:09

truebig isn't an attractive colOr on you.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

May 17th 2020, 15:39:07

I financially support this game; what do you do?

braden Game profile


May 17th 2020, 18:23:12

how you say a enrish



May 18th 2020, 2:27:19

If women are not equal to men because they're physically weaker, does that mean that men are also not created equal because some men are physically stronger than others?

If so, why do have these laws that prevent strong men from enslaving weaker ones? What's the point in being physically dominant if you can be legally screwed over by a skinny accountant?

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

May 18th 2020, 13:57:47

You need to eat the skinny accountant for better gains. Human meat has a splendid amino acid profile. Foi de skinny-fat accountant is quickly becomming a staple in the pandemic cuisine.

Heres how to cook it:

Look at those happy customers.

"Vegetarian... Bloody hell."

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

May 20th 2020, 4:35:34

Whew, Zen, old bean. You really laid it out there without a filter, bro. LOL

OK, here's my take on this crap.


They don't want equal, unless you are using the kind of equal Napoleon liked in George Orwell's Animal Farm.
They want the jobs that men generally have, but only after the physical standards are lowered to allow them to do this particular job. example :Fire Fighter. I'm not going to include police in this because when you have a gun, you don't actually need that physical strength that you would need to subdue a suspect.
They also want the corporate jobs that men generally hold and want to get paid the same as the guy even though that company is going to take a risk of her getting pregnant and having a baby thus taking the time they would expect that professional employee to use for work for raising a family. This is an antiquated view perhaps, but it's worked for thousands of years quite successfully. IF it ain't broke, don't fix is an all that.

So, it gets worse, if you are married thinking that you're going to have a great life, you have a great career, making tons of money, nice house, new cars, all that junk that most people associate with being successful. The government has been hijacked by Feminists. Read some of the writings of Phyllis Schafly (sp). Now, if you get divorced, she's gonna get half your stuff, maybe your whole house, savings, kid, and a significant portion of your ongoing income and you now have to maintain a second household for yourself. Plus, pay for everything she ever wanted going into the future. You get hauled into court every 6 months for an increase in child support, and if they grant it to her, which they generally do, the difference that exists between what you used to have to pay and what you have to pay now, is grandfathered into your past payments making you instantly "in arrears". This is how some men wind up owing the government tens of thousands of dollars overnight.

Then the method of gaining funding for the state child support services to claim some of that federal pie because they are getting costs for executing federal law in the enforcement of child support. But they can't claim that money UNTIL you are officially in arrears. Thus, the first thing to do is to get the guy into arrears, where you can then claim that federal money and collect whatever you can from the non-custodial parent, up to 55% of his or her income.

Some racket eh?
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

May 20th 2020, 4:39:37

Oh, and Zen, you must have been breast fed as a baby, You are WAY focused on Boobs. :) LOL
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

May 20th 2020, 16:09:58

Originally posted by Cerberus:
Oh, and Zen, you must have been breast fed as a baby, You are WAY focused on Boobs. :) LOL

I am still being breast fed, if we are being honest.

Originally posted by Ruthie:
i love how not a single woman has commented on your post ZEN

This one makes me nervous. It can only mean two things.

1. I am 100% correct and i'm next on Clinton's list.

2. I am somehow helping the cause. If the world is moving toward illogical decision, riddles, and the fact men don't do anything right. I may have just doomed us all.

Lastly.....and this may be sexist or assuming or any of the horrible things i've already been accused of. Why play a man's game the way a man plays it? Cater to your strengths. Play on your rivals weakness.

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

May 20th 2020, 16:10:11

Oh and I thought this thread got deleted haha.

braden Game profile


May 20th 2020, 22:21:14

Originally posted by ZEN:
Oh and I thought this thread got deleted haha.

I'd say this is the only thing you got wrong in this thread but a few posts above you suggested, and proudly, that as a grown man you derive sustenance from.. oh unless you meant she let's you eat food off of her chest..

sorry.. i just have to google something right quick..

so the nachos look like they'd be hot but I can see how the salsa dip might cool it down

Mister Ed Game profile


May 22nd 2020, 14:22:52
