


Nov 25th 2015, 1:51:59


Dog the Bounty Hun


Nov 25th 2015, 3:06:23

Of course they do. They matter 3/5 as much as white lives

Edited By: Dog the Bounty Hun on Nov 25th 2015, 3:15:10

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 25th 2015, 15:59:06

ALL LIVES MATTER, fluffweed!
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

randus711 Game profile


Nov 26th 2015, 2:42:29

Then why are more blacks killed by blacks, why don't you protest that since it happens daily?

If they truly mattered to you then you would stand up for every one of them, not just the ones killed by white police officers.

Better yet stand up for the white pastors pregnant wife the two blacks raped and shot in the head while her 13 month old son slept in a crib.

Need to fry those SOB's or better yet just hang the fools.

Serpentor Game profile


Nov 26th 2015, 3:41:58

Wow.... America much?
The EEVIL Empire

anewone Game profile


Nov 26th 2015, 8:25:57

Randus: More whites are killed by whites. More or any race is killed by their same race, it's a consequence of living in a racially segregated society. Folks tend to kill those they know / are around.

The reason to protest police killing anyone is because it's their job to serve and protect, not murder. Police aren't just killing people, they're killing people while being paid by our government/taxes. They should be accountable to us. Thus lawsuits, protests, etc.

Someone murdering someone else, regardless of race etc. Is wrong and tragic. But the thing is that white people, especially those with exceptional power (the police) get away with murdering black and brown people disproportionately. Whites who kill black people are far more likely to be acquitted, or have much lighter sentences, or not be arrested at all than black people who kill white people.

The protesting and outrage isn't over just random killings it's about killings that are done with impunity by agents of the state which go without punishment because of systemic racism. That is, our police and justice system are set up to favor white people and that's what's not fair. Obviously people of all races do terrible things to people of all races, but that is not the point.

randus711 Game profile


Nov 26th 2015, 14:18:28

Why dont you protest when a black police officer kills a white man? Because you are racist and only concerned with maintaining the entitleme nt of the colored community,

anewone Game profile


Nov 26th 2015, 15:38:20

I feel like you didn't read my previous post, or didn't understand it. Well, if I believed you were a rational person or interested in debate instead of a brainwashed racist troll that's what I would think. But the protests are against the completely biased judicial system (not to mention the education, economic and other systems that privilege white people) not just a specific murder. The thing is that white people have been killing black people for hundreds of years without fear of reprisal or condemnation. Slavery, lynch mobs, kkk etc. But a black person kills a white person they are aggressively prosecuted and punished, if not executed on site. Black folks have to live in fear every day that someone will blame them for something they didn't do and be so afraid of them just because of the color of their skin that they end up dead just for existing. You yourself suggested that for the crime of excersising their First Amendment right to free speech, assembly and airing their grievances against the government protesters should be LYNCHED. Right now, two days in a row protesters have been SHOT for committing no crime other than pointing out the hypocrisy of our racist police and demanding justice. Even if they were wrong, they don't deserve to be killed. Even the kkk and other racist hate groups can March down the street with the confidence that they won't be attacked and if they were their attackers would be arrested, prosecuted and punished. Meanwhile peaceful protesters are shot at and you call for them to be hanged.

Also, black police officers are still part of the problem, and like many black people ( but especially black cops) they have internalized racism and can be just as racist against other black people as white cops. They are part of the problem and we're protesting them, too.

BobbyATA Game profile


Nov 26th 2015, 16:57:32

Originally posted by anewone:
Randus: More whites are killed by whites. More or any race is killed by their same race, it's a consequence of living in a racially segregated society. Folks tend to kill those they know / are around.

Wouldn't that fact more have to do with much more of the population being white than any other race??

anewone Game profile


Nov 26th 2015, 19:32:43

Not really. That would just explain why more white people are involved in violent crimes (either as victims or perpetrators) generally. But I'm speaking to the point that most black murder victims are killed by black perpetrators. While this fact is true, it has no rhetorical strength because the same applies to any racial group. The only thing it goes to show is that we live in a largely segregated society and that most victims of violent crimes are known personally by their attackers, there for most people kill within their race.

Serpentor Game profile


Nov 27th 2015, 4:49:39

You don't seriously believe that white people think they can kill a black guy with no consequences do you? That is what you wrote. That's absolutely fluffed up that you could even come up with that.

The problem isn't current black vs. white straight up racism like you make it out to be. It may stem from black and white segregations and divides in the past. There are many blacks and whites that get along in nice areas of the real world just fine without conflict.

The problem comes when you have entire communities of low income or poverty where illegal activities (crimes, drugs) will flourish. There are those with blacks and whites.

Where lots of illegal activity thrives, there are greater chances of police incidents happening. With greater numbers of police incidents you get a hatred of police. With a community of high crime and hatred towards law enforcement the cops have to be overly cautious with their own safety and there's a higher chance something can go wrong.

Bottom line is when you're involved in illegal activity, you have a much higher chance of a negative outcome with police. And a way higher chance of it if you are involved in criminal activity in a community with heavy criminal activity and violence, because the cops don't want to risk their personal safety and put their families at risk just so some fluff rat criminal can feel more comfortable.

Can you imagine if cops in ghetto communities were meek and mild and laid back, and didn't take precautions and worried more about being polite so they don't come across racist than protecting themselves. You think the criminals would start respecting them more as they are being arrested and cooperate? Good luck... You know how that would turn out. Or maybe you want cops to just ignore drug trafficking and crime in those communities, the "just leave us alone" method. Crime rate would go through the roof.

It's very unfortunate that you have created a nation that glorifies gangsters, drug dealers, pimps, hustlers, and criminals in certain communities. It's very hard for young people in those communities to follow the legal path
when the criminals are heroes and the law enforcement are seen as evil. I don't see any real national solution to this problem. Only thing you can do is be accountable for yourself and be the best example of a law abiding citizen you can.

The EEVIL Empire

Serpentor Game profile


Nov 27th 2015, 5:15:57

Oh and that Chicago kid that got shot while high on PCP and threatening to kill the cops with a knife obviously didn't deserve to die. That was fluffed up. Those police officers looked like they had the incident under control until captain cowboy pulled up and unloaded his clip. Wow. A few tazer zaps were probably the way to safely take him down. That cops going to jail for sure for that inexcusable reaction to the situation.
The EEVIL Empire

purplecowish Game profile


Nov 27th 2015, 15:53:06

The best defense is a strong offense. If the cops weren't doing their job... remember the chicago riots. ACT LIKE AN ANIMAL AND GET PUT DOWN LIKE ONE.

anewone Game profile


Nov 27th 2015, 16:55:10

I thought that examples I listed after that statement made it clear I was referring to history. You know, hundreds of years of slavery where killing a black person was treated as destruction of their owner's property property because they had no legal rights. That kind of attitude, while not in the letter of the lawlaw, still pervades be legal and justice system because laws are enforced by people, and lots of people are still prejudiced. Also if you live a community where the cops, lawyers, judges and juries are members of or sympathetic to groups like the kkk then yeah, you can be pretty confident that if you kill a black person it probably won't get investigated, and if it does you probably won't get a arrested and if you do you probably won't be convicted and if you do you'll get a far less harsh sentence than if the victim was white.

Just go to any Internet forum and see some of the bigoted, hateful, racist things people say... Then realize that any of them could serve on a jury or even be a cop and prosecutor or a judge.

anewone Game profile


Nov 27th 2015, 17:06:03

And as far as riots go... The reaction of the state/police has less to do with the actions of the rioters an more to do with why they are rioting.

Serpentor Game profile


Nov 27th 2015, 17:42:45

You just corrected me that you were talking about the past, then proceeded to explain that it is very true that white people today are allowed to kill black people with no worries of repercussion because the judges, juries, cops, and lawyers are prejudice and sympathetic to the kkk.

That's insane. Everybody hates the kkk. They're nutbag anger filled losers that are brainwashed to think that another race is to blame for all their problems.... Wait a sec that sounds familiar, almost like what I read above. Another race to blame for all your problems.

You gotta realize that only you can guide people's perception of yourself as an individual. It's not a race thing its a personal thing. If all races had less hate, there would be no issues. It's a two way street. You can't have your cake and eat it too. You think white people are welcomed with open arms and treated with respect when entering an all black community.... Hell you get fluff kicked for going into a black only night club. Is it ok that they enforce black only? Sounds like racism to me.

Lose your hate and live legit, and "you" will have no worries. Racism would be so minimal if everyone got over the blame game of what some people did hundreds of years ago.

Do we still hate Italians for how Rome enslaved people of all races? Do we still hate young Germans for what hitler had their grand parents do? No, its a new world and new people. You take the easy way out and hold yourself back by blaming someone else for your problems.
The EEVIL Empire

Serpentor Game profile


Nov 27th 2015, 17:47:18

And don't look at Internet posts for a idea of how the world feels. Everything is over exaggerated, trolled, and mocked online. You think people really go around punching babies, and dirty sanchezing each other? Lol. Everyone gets it.
The EEVIL Empire

purplecowish Game profile


Nov 27th 2015, 18:01:51

Every race has been a slave. No one owes you anything, so stop acting like victims. Again, act like an animal get put down like one. SIMPLE

anewone Game profile


Nov 27th 2015, 18:13:48

K I'm going to stop posting on this topic because I actually like playing this game and if I keep arguing with y'all it's going to ruin it for me. Thanks.

Serpentor Game profile


Nov 27th 2015, 19:44:20

Good idea. I'd rather everyone get along.

Edited By: Serpentor on Nov 27th 2015, 19:52:52. Reason: Sp
The EEVIL Empire

Serpentor Game profile


Nov 27th 2015, 20:21:12

Move to Canada. Practically everyone here in Vancouver lives in a bi-racial family and everyone gets along just fine. I do feel for you guys down there... Lots of problems.
The EEVIL Empire

anewone Game profile


Nov 28th 2015, 0:35:25

I went to university in Vancouver (UBC) but moved back to the states in 2009... seemed like a good idea at the the time, but sometimes I do wish I had stayed. You're definitely right people get along and the RCMP is much more friendly/reasonable to citizens than the cops here. And you're definitely right about the diversity in Vancouver especially there's people from all over the world there, and for the most part they do all get along, (I lived in a house with people from Australia, China, Vietnam, and Austria plus US/Canada and we were all friends). Despite all it's problems, I do still believe in the people of the USA, and would like to think that we can grow and change. Canada isn't without a problematic history, either *cough* First Nations *cough* but the abolition movement started a lot sooner there than in the states and slavery ended for the UK/Commonwealth countries 30 years before it did here... So, I like to think that if we keep working on improving race relations here we can be like Canada in a generation or two... y'all just had a head start ;-).

Hneftafl Game profile


Nov 28th 2015, 2:21:54

Originally posted by Serpentor:
Move to Canada. Practically everyone here in Vancouver lives in a bi-racial family and everyone gets along just fine. I do feel for you guys down there... Lots of problems.

Moving to Canada only works if you're affluent and squeaky clean. If you're poor and/or have the smallest blemish on your criminal record, Canada doesn't want you.
If at first you don't succeed, reverse the polarity.



Nov 29th 2015, 3:41:56


Keybo Studios


Nov 5th 2016, 8:46:18

at least America actually stands up to that sort of stuff. here in Australia when a 14 year old gets shot no-one seems to care. Some people will even argue that it doesn't happen here because they want to stick their head in the sand.

tarkas13 Game profile

New Member

Nov 6th 2016, 22:03:38

It isn't murder if a cop kills and idiot who attacks them simply because they are cops. That is called Suicide by Police. The problem with society today is that people don't respect anything. They don't respect themselves and therefore it is impossible for them to respect anything or anyone.
Thehe liberals are causing the recent racial tensions and the sheep follow and believe everything that the biased news media tells them. It is the way they can control the masses. Keep everyone ignorant and uninformed. It has repeatedly happened throughout history. Learn to be the black sheep and educate yourself before making any judgement. As aerosmith said, If you can judge a wise man by the color of his skin, Mister you're a better man than I.