Mar 6th 2018, 6:46:56
or has player numbers
If you attack a human player, they will likely hit you back, but the game has bots that are easily attackable. I'd always suggest joining a clan if you're on alliance or ffa server and they will be able to help differentiate between bots and real players. Most clan sites have a seperate "bot list" that will help weed out the bots from real players.
For attacking, troops are worth .5, jets worth 1 = turrets worth 1, and tanks are worth 2. So if a player has 1000 troops, 1000 turrets and 1000 tanks, you will need 1000 troops 1000 jets and 1000 tanks + about 5% to make sure the hit goes through. But you could also use 3500 jets, or 7000 troops, or 1750 tanks. If the player has weapons tech, is a dictator or has allies that will increase the break further.
Good luck.
If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.