

New Member

Sep 22nd 2012, 16:17:46

need help understanding planned strike and ally defense bonus

lets assume target has 100 turrets for defense. my jets have 3 in the attack. Does this mean i only need to send around 70 jets to break in a planned strike?

if someone has an ally what % does this add to defense?

Marshal Game profile


Sep 22nd 2012, 19:27:14

each ally (off and def) gives 25% of their military to ally's help but no more than double ally's def/off. due pang-factor (10%) you got high risk to bounce your attack.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

Oceana Game profile


Sep 23rd 2012, 15:23:35

and then planned strike gives you 50% bonus to that force

Oceana Game profile


Sep 23rd 2012, 15:33:56

so if you had 50 jets and had 2 offensive allys each one with 100 jets second with 200 jets,
you would have your 50 + 25 from ally 1(25% of his 100)), and 50 from ally 2 (25% of his 200 and even if he had more then 200 you would be limited to the 50 as it was the most you had)
So you would have a max send of 125 on a SS
or 187.5 on a PS (as you get the 50% PS bonus)

and always factor need for 10% over send. so on the SS you can count on breaking @ 113K turrets on the SS; and 167K on the PS
Hope that helps.

Earthfan Game profile

New Member

Aug 31st 2017, 14:02:49

To be clear, EACH ally can provide max 100% help? So, you can have triple your force, since you can have two allies?

Also, how does oil work with Offensive allies, because they might have a bunch of jets to help but no oil!?

drkprinc Game profile


Sep 4th 2017, 4:02:24

Originally posted by Earthfan:
To be clear, EACH ally can provide max 100% help? So, you can have triple your force, since you can have two allies?

Also, how does oil work with Offensive allies, because they might have a bunch of jets to help but no oil!?

no maximum possible is 100% total, but 1 ally alone can boost it to 100%

and oil is only for your units being sent, and their jets/troops/tanks need to be available for use.

if you have 1m jets and your allies have 8m troops or 4m jets or 1m tanks or a total of 4m jets of power you are essentially getting 2m jets of power for 1m jets of use, the unit type you send do not have to match the unit type of your ally.
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