
TheMafia Game profile


Jun 8th 2015, 14:27:13

Ive released a few versions of scripts that work only on your browser to help calculate things that you might run into often.

version 3 coming soon, will include clicking to do max research per turn into research fields so you dont have to type it out (multi click to do multi turn amounts) and im thinking the same for building buildings

post requests if you ahve any in the original thread

TheMafia Game profile


Jun 15th 2015, 14:35:09

The updated script is in the original post at the top

Version 3 is now available!

New changes:
-Research tools have been created:
-Both market and scores pages refresh on a 1 minute basis now
-Some changes to how the title displays in the browser, now shows: R:[Rank] (if available) T:(Turns) M:$Money
-Minor bug fixes

Next up:
-Buildings will get same treatment as research did

The updated script is in the original post at the top

TheMafia Game profile


Jun 25th 2015, 21:43:37

The updated script is in the original post at the top:

Version 4:
-The buildings page now has the same functionality as the research page in version 3.

The updated script is in the original post at the top