
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 2nd 2023, 5:01:59

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Doug:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
My post was the 1st reply, got deleted, all i said is "When is straight day......oh wait......there isn't one.

I don't care to know what you do in your bedroom, I don't care you like same sex, don't shove it down my throat, i don't give a fluff, i don't need people jumping in my face telling me I'm insensitive for not caring, again, not my business what you do with your feewings.

Koh I’ve always respected you. And always will. Straight day is everyday lol but yes you have a point. But marginalized groups have a day too. But I will always respect you as well! Don’t worry, I won’t try hugging you lol

I respect you too, i don't like how the movement went from please accept us (the majority of us did and do) to "If you don't bend over backwards for us you're a bigot and racist.", that's where the whole movement lost me as a supporter.

I think it's a sign of great intelligence not to hold a movement's most extremes against the middle. Not all conservatives are fascist, not all liberals are socialist, not all monkeys like bananas, etc.

I look at someone expressing pride in the way they feel much like a fella expressing love for his wife. If one of us dudes came on here and expressed how much we like women, or even anecdotes of random ladies at the bar, I think it would never elicit such responses.

More than anything else, I think the vast majority of people simply desire inclusivity. There's extremes on one side saying all gays are immoral and should burn in hell. But that doesn't represent all or even most of anyone's opinions. And sure, there's probably multiple examples of people reacting wildly different than they would hearing a the exact same stories involving straight people, but I don't think it should be indicative of the fact that you care either.

I'm glad to live in a world where inclusivity can gain traction over time and we can work together and have the same types of conversations with all people of all shapes and sizes and colors, regardless of their preferences or race.

In short, I'm proud of Doug for sharing his story. Happy Pride!