
Twain Game profile


Dec 20th 2010, 22:13:59

--Note: If you're one of the people complaining about these posts being too long, I'll save you the effort, skip down towards the bottom--

Obviously the attitude on war is far different between 1a and FFA, but ultimately kills aren't the definitive gauge of winning a war.

It must be a combination of NW and Total Kills. Usually the winner is fairly evident, but for instance, one of the AoDT vs. NBK wars: (Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, as I wasn't in either clan, but going from memory...)

If I recall correctly, AoDT took the first strike and for the most part, wiped out NBK's originals fairly efficiently. NBK stuck with the war effort however, and continued to attack AoDT whereas once most of AoDT's main countries were too large to attack NBK, AoDT stopped putting forth the same effort.

If I recall, I believe NBK finished with more kills because they were very good at killing the restarts and occasionally picking off a larger country, but AoDT obviously had far superior countries at the end of set, because they had some top 100s and other very good countries, whereas NBK finished with pretty much all low-level restarts that didn't even make top 1,000 finish.

If I'm misremembered this, feel free to correct me and consider this a hypothetical situation instead. Like I said, I was either in LaE or PAN when that war happened, don't really recall, so I didn't really follow it much. In that war, I don't think it's really fair to think NBK won the war, considering AoDT was able to have half their clan move on and netgain for the 2nd half of the set, whereas NBK didn't have any real networth "value" to their countries.

--End of really long part, start reading here if you want the short version!--

Kills alone and NW alone are both problematic for deciding who's winning. And for the purpose, right now, even though it seems SoF is doing better in the NW part of the war, whereas NBK is doing better in the Kill total, it's just too close to call.

Wars between two evenly matched war clans always take a little more time to see a separation. Both sides should be happy with their performance so far, but it'd be short-sighted to say "NBK's winning" or "SoF's winning."

Just keep fighting. The winner will be obvious by the time you two clans are done beating on each other.

Edited By: Twain on Dec 20th 2010, 23:27:33. Reason: grammar fails.
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