
Turtle Crawler Game profile


Jul 18th 2023, 22:21:37

Originally posted by Getafix:
Originally posted by Turtle Crawler:
LOL cute ^^^
Stones gets props for not being part of the SOL pact breaking.

I see you are still going on about SoL pact breaking. As I said before, the 12 month pact that we offered to LaF was made 2 days before Clan GDI was publically announced. Gerdler had knowledge of it when he agreed to the pact and concealed it from us. It had a significant impact on the pact and the pact would not have been suggested or agreed to by SoL if we had known of it. We therefore declare that pact invalid and void due to Gerdler's misrepresentation by concealment of material facts.

Furthermore, I keep hearing from you guys about how the players in SoL, Mercs and SoF fail to self-moderate, hence we are griefers who need to be controlled by coded protection for netters. In fact, you didn't trust our offer of a 12 month pact, or it wasn't enough, and you still asked for Clan GDI to be implemented by Qzjul. LaF had not warred in 2 years, and the other main netting clans hadn't warred in many years, so self-moderation was never a problem.

We don't accept that any clan should have protection from war, because this is a war game and always has been. Clan GDI removes a key element of the game that has been in place since the start of Earth 2025, and is written directly into the game description. In my opinion, The people who have taken on the stewardship of this historical game have a duty to maintain the game in its original spirit that supercedes the desire by LaF to have protection from attack, or even LaF's survival.

The only thing that impacted the pack was due to the bug with spyops being skipped on the initial implementation, which SOL exploited (not laf).

You guys seem to think that part of the implied agreement of the pact was that after it expired we would war again, and thus because you will not be able to do so due to ClanGDI that the pact was made in bad faith. You also seem to think that part of the pact terms was that LaF would continue to be open to be hit by people outside your tag (like mercs(?) people in the bomb tag).

Well there are no such clauses in the pact, so nothing at all was voided. You were not deprived of any material advantage of the pact b/c of Clan GDI therefore there is no material breach. You are trying to use words you don't understand and legal terms that simply don't apply.

Let me help you understand, if I agree to give you $100 tomorrow in exchange for something today, but I know that before I can pay you that a new law will be passed that makes it impossible for me to pay you, then there is a material breach. But no such circumstance exists here, you were deprived of exactly nothing promised to you in the pact.

If you wish to do so, you must point to the clause in the pact which LaF violates by *joining* clan GDI. There is nothing you can point to to even begin to make that argument. Nor is there any clause which voides a pact in case of server changes (who would even think of such a thing).

Edited By: Turtle Crawler on Jul 18th 2023, 22:31:10
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