
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 16th 2023, 5:57:53

Dude even at 35 I'm just the same dude wearing makeup haha.

Acute lymphoblastic leukemia for him that after remission re-emeged as acute myelogenous leukemia and eventually killed him.

Anecdotally, when he was a builder, he was over-exposed to a chemical called (giving my best phonics) methylethylkeytone ??? Some building polymer from the old days that California liberal douchebags made people quit making buildings outta because it definitely gave everyone who used it without gloves and a respirator cancer.

I'm from a small area in Michigan called "the cancer belt" or "the thumb." The only reason you don't ever see 8 foot tall corn plants 100 sq/mi soy is if people are getting paid not to farm. Turned out to be the windiest county in America as well so they built 400 windmills on it for energy. Meanwhile there's an air force base that does test maneuvers over the house I grew up in, because of the high amount of sea (lake huron) and extremely low population density (unlikely they kill people if they crash). Usually 3-5 days before America invades someone the skies get very active and everyone in the neighborhood takes a stiff swallow of their frogged throat.

Thing you should most learn and research from this anecdote tho, about 30% of all fields where I'm from, the government is legitimately paying the farmers slightly higher than the money they can make farming Monsanto corn to not farm their fields. Apparently the government controls the cost of produce (in theory, to keep farming at a living wage, you know, so people do it).

I'd be shocked, tho, to find out that overall, 90% of American fields have things growing on them. Our tax dollars are very much paying for 10s of thousands of acres to NOT be farmed to keep an ear of corn at exactly $1.99. And yet 34 million people in America are food insecure. It's pretty wild.