
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 5th 2023, 1:44:05

I hate to do it because I know my audience is primarily conservative...but this argument type is a little bit "haha" for liberals....

Whenever someone's son is about to go down for heinous crimes, they always go "well so, the other guys son is about to go down for heinous crimes too."

Most people where I sit, liberals is who I mostly speak to, would like to see Hunter in prison for being a criminal. Using him as an excuse to commit/justify heinous crimes know...hilarious. Like, if you'd like to compare yourself against the goalposts of Hunter Biden, well, you're a crackhead lol.

It's objectively funny to be an outsider and see folks compare themselves to the worst trash in the game and be like "HE DOES IT TOO."

Syko, even if weezy was a tech nerd exploiting GHQ, it doesn't make what LaF does manipulating developers ok. It wouldn't make what weezy supposedly did ok either, but it's a dumb way to justify inappropriate actions.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Nov 5th 2023, 1:49:10
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