
Lawton Game profile


Jan 14th 2024, 19:33:08

"Treat meh with respect or I can't listen to you, bahhhhh."

The difference between you and me is I'm capable of listening to reason, even if I don't like somebody. It's people like you that racism still exists. "My group of friends doesn't like black people so I also don't like black people." That's your cohort.

You probably all masked up in 2020, because everybody else did it. Go read a book, it's called 'The Upside', by Kenneth Gronbach.

This policy is probably the most idiotic thing a group of halfwits could come up with. Especially if any of you are in America. Hey, let's make up a rule where we lock people up until they prove that they are innocent. Knowing that arresting people under false pretenses will probably rile them up and make them angry, but let's use that anger and hate to prove to the masses that they are in fact guilty.
Let's just start arresting people, based on zero evidence, and fine them, and lock them up until they prove they are innocent. Sounds like the perfect policy to implement and never change.

If any of you are business owners, you should be ashamed of yourselves.

Best of luck to all of you IRL.

I hope you all burn in hell in this game.

Edited By: Lawton on Jan 14th 2024, 19:52:19
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