
now im nothing Game profile


Feb 26th 2024, 12:24:45

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by now im nothing:
This is too much folks. You guys and LaF, it is hilarious. I will reveal later why I attacked cat. I also had told someone about it, this was shortly after the last set. The person I told has never played alliance, and the reason I hit cat has nothing to do with LaF. It is rather a simple reason. Is it justified? I mean it is just a game after all. Whatever.

But it is so funny, I honestly needed those laughs, last night, cat, thank you. But you guys are too much. Like I played some sets with LaF and listening to you guys is hilarious. I wont even go beyond that lol

Post your reason share!

I will share that I am tagged Mercs in Allaince this round and Cath is tagged JoseyWalesCo.

I will kill Cath in alliance cuz he can’t help himself and he will retaliate for me killing his best buddy Josey Wales….

Well he suicide me here in primary as retaliation? Not sure but I don’t care always welcome a fight and I have 70 missiles looking for a home anyways….

I simply decided, shortly after last set, I would target cat, as he did not reply to me congratulating him on his W. I even edited it into a smiley face 14 hours later after seeing him reply to various threads within moments at time after the fact. Maybe like cat I have an imagination, and I figured maybe he would have an idea why I did it between the smiley edit, and yah, saying I was coming after a casher in here lol. Was this a real a deep seeded issue? Not at all. Did he maybe miss the post? Does it really matter. Of course not. I thought of that as well. But yah I said hey I am gonna have a war this set. I really do not know what to say but keeping in mind this is just a game, and for the amount of sets I have payed it is not typical for me. That said, this has already turned out to provide me more entertainment than I thought the war its self would. And I am 100% glad I went for it.

Edited By: now im nothing on Feb 26th 2024, 12:34:01
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less defined as days go by. Fading away well you might say I am losing the focus. Kinda drifting into the abstract in terms of how I see myself