
KyleCleric Game profile


Dec 30th 2010, 17:36:40

This war was one that we thought we could avoid. We had thought that Pan had decided to eject the tag jumpers. As police for Swords, it was their job to kill tag jumpers when asked to by the alliance that they were policing for. Not only did they fail in that job but they accepted the tag jumper into their clan. Then they left Swords and BSS in limbo for a week, during which they had indicated they would eject the tag jumper, just to change their mind at the end, saying that the war that Swords was fighting was over and that they can’t kill the tag jumper. This is ridiculous. No one can or should accept such a preposterous stance. So when Swords and BSS went to deal with the tag jumper, Pan and KA attacked Swords without even the decency of a war declaration prior to the attack, an attack where the attackers at 9 times the networth and about 5 times the number of countries. Considering all that has happened in the last week, I am disappointed to announce the declaration of war by the Insane Multi Posse (IMP) against Pandora’s Last Vikings (Panlv).....

Edited By: KyleCleric on Jan 2nd 2011, 2:55:50. Reason: OMG Don't LOOK!!!
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