


Jan 20th 2011, 17:18:52

DM 2 Nukes in no way makes a suicider. But would give you a reason to kill the country. Did you pick to kill it NO. It lived to the end of set and got rank 16. Not my problem you did not kill it.

I also told llaar i was going to nuke him for biggest nuke record many times. Not my problem he took it as a joke. He also oked it thinking i would take it as a joke. I just did what i said i would not my problem you guys took it as a joke. Then get mad at me after i did it.

Still hold biggest nuke hit in Earth Empires:

2010-03-19 23:56:07 NM 606060606060606060 (#2374) aSyLuM llaar (#782) GetLaEd 14844A
2010-03-19 23:56:01 NM 606060606060606060 (#2374) aSyLuM llaar (#782) GetLaEd DH

Edited By: Prometheus on Jan 20th 2011, 17:26:42
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