
Popcom Game profile


Jan 20th 2011, 22:25:20

Originally posted by DM:
It is and has always been our policy not to pact clans with HellRush in them. Kinda about the same dumbass policy as your not pacting self-farmers.

Originally posted by Ivan:

Shouldnt the question be

How do you suppose that NBK handles KA having a cheater as president?

You know, I was getting ready to ask SoF's 1A allies the same thing about SoF. How's that going for ya btw? I cheated, yay, pat yourself on the back. Just make sure before you stop swinging from my nuts like Tarzan you at least swallow.

and you arn't swinging form hellrushes fluff? LOL

Edited By: Popcom on Jan 20th 2011, 22:29:19
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