
Prima Game profile


Jan 21st 2011, 3:04:21

As you proceed to kill my country for 3 legit retals on a country that hit my country 65 times consider the following:

your Foreign Affairs officer was given a heads up that I had the stock to take the retal. He even mentioned I had the right to take the retal because before mentioning I had 30 mil bushels in stock he figured it would be a stretch for a 2100 acre country sitting at 480k net to retal a 4 mil net country.

Once your FA understood the situation he said he would talk to the member ... So the obvious result was a sentiment of screw you we are going to keep farming you and KR you if you don't like it. At least other alliances had the decency of providing a DNH as requested when I approached them. But SOL had to be oh so special :)

It's not like I was hiding and waiting to suicide on SOL, as a matter of fact I specifically told your FA that I understood you all were land hungry, and my preference was to quietly net on my 2100 acres until the end of the reset. I was willing to just let the whole thing go for a DNH... Even then had it been followed up with double or quad taps from 2-3 SOL members i probably would have just let it go. But the response was for the same country to hit my country 30+ more times. WTF did you expect :p

--- I took the retals and sent a message to your member that I was willing to let it stand asis... Based on the reaction it looks like SOL was just looking for a country to kill ... okies no prob have fun.

Now I just wait for you all to kill the country, because obviously this is the type of alliance you are. Able to farm others but if someone retals excessive hits ...oh my you have to kill the country. You can dish it out but you sure as hell can't take it can you.

So as an alliance do you feel like you are all accomplishing a legacy people will look back on and say what a great alliance that was?

thanx for the warm welcome, I feel very special that my puny little country was such a threat to SOL they feel the need to kill it :)

I have said my piece and took my retals, if you all want to overreact over 3 retals then by all means go for it. It will just go to show what type of alliance you really are.

Happy Hunting - Tigress

you all have a good end of reset

Edited By: Prima on Jan 21st 2011, 3:09:29
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ZDH: Doesn't the Tigress do all the hunting and killing anyway?
Happy Hunting - Tigress