
Prima Game profile


Jan 22nd 2011, 9:49:23

Originally posted by Rockman:
Originally posted by Deerhunter:
Steeps, this dude has LOST THE PLOT. DUDE, your not in an alliance- you dont have the right to get any retals. Either get tagged or be a good farm. Be it known- when you are untagged and have 4 mill + jets and start hitting SOL for any reason- i will make your jets be GONE!!!!

Its like im magical or something. It was beautiful.

Untaggeds don't have the right to any retals? Then untaggeds might as well just suicide on any alliance that hits them.

lol we all know if deerhunter was actually in a real alliance he would have been booted and farmed into oblivion by now, but he is in SoL and therefore safe ;) After all SoL leadership not only condones his behavior but encourages it :D

Meanwhile In Deerhunter Land:

The Mighty SoL is a respectable and honorable alliance and Deerhunter as their most respectable member has just spoken. How dare puny little old me challenge the mighty SoL with 3 despicable retals .... Detah to Prima / Detah to Prima... Deerhunter rallies the troops and off to battle the Mighty SoL must go to defend their honor from such an arrogant untagged country.

Edited By: Prima on Jan 22nd 2011, 9:51:44
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ZDH: Doesn't the Tigress do all the hunting and killing anyway?
Happy Hunting - Tigress