
Prima Game profile


Jan 22nd 2011, 17:22:45

Rockman as much as I would love to believe this I know people landgrab and farm untags based on DR's

... the other part is if you do look at the news and compare it to normal game play: landgrabs usually do not overlap each other wherein 4-5 members from the same alliance will be farming the same untagged country.

149 SS + 1 Nuke by 5 countries hitting simultaneously between 1/21/2011 0:18 and 1/21/2011 0:40... does this really look like standard untagged farming behavior to you?

Edited By: Prima on Jan 22nd 2011, 17:30:51
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ZDH: Doesn't the Tigress do all the hunting and killing anyway?
Happy Hunting - Tigress