
Makinso Game profile


Jan 25th 2011, 22:40:13


RUN screamed NowThreePius the ugly looking but evil kobold who lived up the hill near Aponic river. "Run from what?" asked BoduLlaar whom was NowThreePius his younger brother. It's them there here!! We gotta hide the stash!! "From who?" Asked D-Morbidius the oldest of the 3 kobold brothers. "THEM" screamed NowThreePius whom then pointed at the horizon with his slimey green finger.

Whilest the other 2 brothers looked up and at the horizon they saw 4 short but sturdy looking figures with big beards and some really huge axes.

"Now what did you do?" said the oldest of the 3 kobold brothers....... Well uuhhmmm I might have stolen the beer of the Makinsors Dwarven Tavern 5 miles from here and hid it here in our treehouse. "You stole beer from Mr Akularin Ford the Dwarf and his 3 brothers? Are you mad?" said BoduLlaar.

The 3 Kobold brothers looked up at the horizon again and watched the 4 dwarves charge down the hills towards the treehouse and the kobolds screaming: "Carpe Cerevisi Carpe Cerevisi Carpe Cerevisi!!!!!!"

The Kobolds were not killed merely captured by the Dwarves so they could do some gold mining in the famous Mdevoleer gold mines near the tavern.

The dwarves and their beer lived happily ever after!

SoF and DOOM are hereby pleased to announce that our merger is a permanent one. The new name of our tag will be Carpe Cerevisi. The upcoming set our tag will be Cerevisi.

Contacts for Carpe Cerevisi will be as following:


They will all post IM contacts here later. All pacts signed earlier by Aponic or Ford with SoF are still in effect!

Moral of this story: Don't touch our beer.

With much regards,
-Carpe Cerevisi Leader

Edited By: Makinso on Jan 25th 2011, 22:43:20
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