
paladin Game profile


Jan 30th 2011, 5:56:32

Originally posted by TAN:
Originally posted by paladin:
Originally posted by BlackMamba:
Hamas is reportedly now crossing the border into Egypt since the military has reduced the number of people at their borders....

Hamas grew out of the Muslim Brotherhood... which is aiming to be the ruling group should the Mubarak lose power.

terrorists running the largest are country in the world is probably what paladin is afraid of

Not exactly terrorist that I am afraid of. More correctly I worry about Egypt having a government that thinks evil thoughts whenever they see an American flag. Especially after we have spent three decades supplying them with top of the line American military hardware.

The word "terrorist" is subjective.

And what is so wrong with Iran's government, exactly, when it comes to evil thoughts about America? How many Americans have they killed again? Don't you think all the anti-Americanism comes from...oh i dunno...the SANCTIONS that have been placed on them?

Oh I'm not saying they we don't deserve some of the hatred they send our way. I am merely saying that the current Iraninan government isn't in our best interest. I would rather not see that happen to Egypt.

Edited By: paladin on Jan 30th 2011, 6:02:50
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No, I don't know what I'm doing. That much should obvious by now.