
mrford Game profile


Jan 31st 2011, 5:15:26


"-buyouts: hurts countries doing the buyouts
-FA: countries sacrificing their finish for others
-GSing into DR: wasted turns for those GSing"

I would argue that having a dedicated kill team hurts your country if you are a part of that kill team. Killing anything bets your chance of finishing well. I understand what ou are trying to say, but your line of logic says that anything that doesn't benefit both parties should not be legit. Killteams benefit a large number of people, possibly the entire clan, but the members of said team do not benefit whatsoever. It can be argued that it is by choice, but that arument can also be used for buyouts and/or FA

Edit: almost forgot about rep countries! Plenty of times I have ran a rep country and was on the killteam. I benefitted in no way whatsever by paying reps for my alliance mates, they benefitted greatly. Should runnig a rep country be illegal? Should everyone have to pay their own reps? That defeats the poit of an alliance!

Like I said, u have some good points, but your logic is almost self defeating in some points.

Edited By: mrford on Jan 31st 2011, 5:22:58
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Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford