
Juusto Game profile


Feb 12th 2011, 0:57:47

ehh we asked a pact from NBK(and from some others)... and its way different to run chats for 2 alliances than to 1, like crippler said. so i would say we were pretty close in members when NBK FS´d.

Now i think NBK have way more active ppl playing, ours are lazy ass netters who just quit FFA or quit this set cos of the war(we said to them that we are netgaining)... So next set you will see less players than this set in total, unless IMP/swords(or someone else) runs even more multies ;) (we know that they run multies cos their players played 16 in others tags too, even in our. proxys for the win :D)

panlv and focus were both "netting" in this set so stop that BS about the war!!!

Edited By: Juusto on Feb 12th 2011, 1:01:52
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