
KeTcHuP Game profile


Feb 15th 2011, 16:18:58

Originally posted by DeDLySMuRF:

We just made it clear that going that route is not ideal for TKO and I don't think TKO appreciates you putting there neck on the chopping block when they likely had no idea of this incident.

Remember TKO is policing for KA, PANLV, FoCuS and Xtinct at this point. I think they have other things on there mind. Like not pissing off IMP. IMP is obviously itching for a war right now.

Wow gotta love how everyone knows what TKO appreciates, does, thinks, wants to do ETC. except for us.

Ill be messaging Swords and IMP on this issue. It would have been nicer for Pan to contact us directly regarding this rather then FFAT. However that doesnt change the actions that happened.

Ps. ill be doing some FA contacts when i get home from work. Its hard to do FA at work while pretending to be heat pressing some jerseys as the manager walks by haha

Edited By: KeTcHuP on Feb 15th 2011, 16:22:17
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