
Pang Game profile

Game Development

Mar 3rd 2011, 16:58:00

I'm not in LaF anymore, I'm currently playing in SoF and focused mainly on that upcoming war!

but it's not up to LaF to adopt PDM's policies and/or "be nicer" to PDM -- there isn't just blame for any one side. PDM enacted some policies which, in my opinion, are almost always going to lead to wars or near wars. PDM shouldn't be complaining when it happens for that reason alone :p

when I dealt with PDM, they generally didn't want to accept any blame for what happened -- even when their own members suicided on LaF from their tag. Your post, TGD, looks like more of that. I feel that PDM is not at all an innocent party in this situation. How the situation escalated, though, is unfortunate.

Edited By: Pang on Mar 3rd 2011, 17:00:44
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