
hanlong Game profile


Mar 3rd 2011, 20:12:09

Originally posted by Jelly:
One of the things I've heard of why PDM started the suiciding on LaF 8 years ago, was because they couldn't beat RD, and they thought that RD and LaF is basically one alliance, so they'll hurt LaF instead.

Is that true?

no that was the "thatguy" incident. the RD/PDM/LaF love triangle was 5-ish years ago to my knowledge when i was retired.

i remember why GoSu suicided us. it was verbal sparring comparing e-penises for top 10 spots between LaF members and him (he had a top 25 worthy country himself).

he was just a sore loser that couldn't beat those guys in a fair netgaining competition so he resorted to suiciding towards the end of the reset when he realized he couldn't back up his egotistical claim ingame that he was the better netter.

i had friendly banter with top netters in the past from other aliances like waser or from my own alliance like nof/cm/aqua. if they beat me, i try harder next reset. GoSu was the only one that thought to "suicide on their asses because you got beat".

and comwood was the only leader to defend such a imbecile.

his boneheaded moves plus comwood's dumb decision to tell LaF to shove it instead of paying their long time ally reps over that suicide (while still keeping GoSu as a core member of PDM) is what originally blew up the tensions.

Edited By: hanlong on Mar 3rd 2011, 20:36:44
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Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia