
xaos Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 4th 2011, 14:56:36

Without reading all this trash... I went to an aviation class last winter. One of my classmates for the 6-week class was an ex-GM employee that accepted a layoff package. He had been an USAF air traffic controller for a number of years, but he was too old (32!) to even *apply* for a job in the private sector. That's off the point, but here's what he told me:

He was working as a GM forklift operator, with about five years experience. He got paid _$65_ _an_ _hour_. He worked three 8-hour shifts during the week, and every other Sunday, he worked a 12-hour shift at TRIPLE OVERTIME. That's $195 an hour, to wheel fluff around on a forklift. Not saying the job doesnt require some coordination, but that's fluffing outrageous. Even during the week, $65 is insane. I work in a very safety-sensitive high-up job in an airline, and make less than a third of that. I'd like more, but I'm happy knowing that my airline is one that's consistently made money over the last few years of troubles in aviation.

Shrug, just my two cents.

Edited By: xaos on Mar 4th 2011, 15:01:59
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