
Evolution Game profile


Mar 16th 2011, 5:42:06

I don't think DH's grab wasn't that bad, there was no technical rule against it, the dropping of land was.

With Laf on will retal, Makinso and myself avoided LGing Lord Tarnava just be of the fallout we expected. Such a huge hit would obviously become a FA issue. I expected a Land:Land solution.

1 oops for the grab
1 oops for the dropping land
1 oops for not following FA arrangements
1 oops for posting on AT (past)

4 oops. With possibly 1 oops for arguing about the oops.
5 oops. With a 1 oop discression for repeat offense on AT maybe.
Maybe not a ban but damn close even if you are completely objective. I would have strongly advised against posting on AT, making the issue public, makes the decision final.

I would have preferred that DH got a ban on AT than a ban on Sol, I remember when he was enthusiastic and not jaded. The problem is AT's corrupting influence. DH and BiffBuff are so passionate about Sol, that sometimes they get overheated about the issue and cause fallout.

Last time I was in a situation with Laf (2000), I got 2:1 retalled, and was not supposed to raise def, which is reasonable. Dropping defense is a bit ichy. Only got 1 oops because I had already arranged with Laf for the retal agreement.

Edited By: Evolution on Mar 16th 2011, 6:47:07. Reason: Australian language
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Not posting on AT as much because Maki/Steeps gave back some of my forums on GHQ. RIP my decade long blog, my blog even had replies from people who are no longer with us :(.