


Apr 13th 2011, 16:47:07

warster, it is true that not everyone with cash is stocking it so let us look at different types of Demos

let us look at an oil speculator who starts with $1.5B
he is vulnerable to losses of $6M an op to BB
he buys the oil and becomes vulnerable to $12M an op
what is the justification in that?

he puts the oil on the market and no longer has any vulnerability to spies but he runs the risk the oil will not sell
if the oil does not sell, he would have been better off to just lose the paltry worst case scenario of $100M on the off chance that someone bombed his banks up until DR made it impossible to get through

speculating in oil is risky business and most netters are risk averse so they just sit on the cash

let us look at a D purveyor of fine foods who also starts with $1.5B
his risk to BB is $6M an op
he buys the food and his risk of loss immediately rises to $10M an op
what is the justification for that??
he puts the food on the market
if it does not sell, he has to dump it on his private market at $29
he could lose $11 a bushel if he bought at $40
again he is better off to run the risk that no one will BB since the risk of that happening is so small and the losses minimal

so we have now seen two types of D resellers who are not engaging in economic activity that would benefit the server just because they have no fear of BB

the same holds true for tech resellers
run a test right now in primary
you can steal 7000 tech points from any number of techers right now which comes out to over $10M an op but a BB after they have sold the return is $7M an op

if BB were strengthened there would be more economic activity on the servers with the new spy ops

in response to fordy's comment that is just obdurate persistence


when slagpit announce he was changing the spy ops in response to my suggestion he made it clear that the %s would be examined as we gained experience with the new ops

we now have that experience and it has become clear that the BB percentage is too small by at lest half

this thread is not obstinance, it is evolution

Edited By: lincoln on Apr 13th 2011, 16:49:53
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