
Flamey Game profile


Apr 27th 2011, 12:06:04

Firstly, iScode, this thread has nothing to do with SoF challenging #784s decission to suicide on us. (Also check out what I said on the other thread).

It was directed towards LaF directly profitting from suiciding against us. There is two stepping and there is this, farming an untag, while it is ABing itself out of DR against us. It is a whole new level. It is pretty innevitable that our pacts will include two stepping clauses next set. Yes those people should have tanks, but you can't make everyone in a 80 member tag that isnt used to suiciders change its attitude overnight.

Back to Scode... We've been suicided on unprovoked all set, it is hardly any surprise that we've lost all restraint and guilt hitting them. It is my belief that this guy was the same guy who was hitting us earlier in this set. The same guy who sent pacts to us then prepared to suicide on other alliance to make us look bad. The guy was obviously no n00b as his country was setup to do this kind of damage and he knew which types of countries would be effected the most, but again see my other post in the other thread.

Edited By: Flamey on Apr 27th 2011, 12:11:21
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