
caffeineaddict Game profile


May 3rd 2011, 14:10:29

ok, absolute min prices, (100% mb with max tech) are...
___________Theo Demo
___________25% 40% 25% 40%
Troops_ 77 62 88 71
Jets___ 103 82 118 94
Turrets 112 90 129 103
Tanks__ 315 252 360 288

As well as improving profit on slow selling tanks and troops your change will actually make selling jets and turrets a very worthwhile prospect for an eartly set TMBR - also for a DMBR.

Looking at 10k Theo, 180 cs, 200 ind, 120k mil tech (90.55%) then...

@25% Private Public Units in 6 hrs Profit
Troops 79 120 360,000 12.17m
Jets 106 130 300,000 4.86m
Turrets 116 130 300,000 1.86m
Tanks 324 520 120,000 19.78m

Total profit = $38.66m
(Demo MBR profit would be $29.58m - no profit on turrets at this price for DMBR)

@40% Private Public Units in 6 hrs Profit
Troops 64 120 180,000 8.78m
Jets 86 130 150,000 5.43m
Turrets 94 130 150,000 4.23m
Tanks 262 520 60,000 13.61m

Total profit = $32.05m
(Demo MBR profit would be $29.04m)

@25% Private Public Units in 6 hrs Profit
Troops 79 105 360,000 7.09m
Jets 106 110 300,000 -0.78m
Turrets 116 110 300,000 -3.78m
Tanks 324 480 120,000 15.26m

Total profit = $22.36m (tanks + troops only)
(Demo MBR profit would be $17.28m)

@40% Private Public Units in 6 hrs Profit
Troops 64 105 180,000 6.25m
Jets 86 110 150,000 2.61m
Turrets 94 110 150,000 1.41m
Tanks 262 480 60,000 11.35m

Total profit = $21.62m
(Demo MBR profit would be $17.94m)

[At 60% regen and 40% reductions, profit for
low public prices above would give $25.94m
high public prices above would give $38.46m]

This would, I think, have a small effect on commie indies as mbr would make sales of jets and turrets if they had bought out their tanks and troops.

I have to think more on whether this would be a good or bad thing for full or half set mbr. I think I agree with what you say about late TMBR destocking.

Edited By: caffeineaddict on May 3rd 2011, 14:13:59
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