
braden Game profile


May 16th 2011, 1:46:25

"Your example of flying planes is a silly one because one of the ten commandments rule not to murder. If you could do so in a way that caused no loss of life directly or indirectly then its not as big of a problem."

you are entirely right, and i think i mentioned earlier it was.

"this would apply whether in wedlock or outside of it. "

again, entirely right. as a non married man i didnt even look at it in that light. (covet thy neighbours wife i took to be adultering and the like)

"That abortion may allow for 'immoral' behaviour and thats why we should ban it."

It isn;t the immoral behaviour, i argued for quite a while before God brought into it at all that adoption, across the board for all parties involved, is the far better decision that abortion.

Then I got propositioned with fictional elections and imposing my will over God (agreeing with Gods will is imposing on him, i guess). I would not cast a vote that would kill a child, regardless of the feminine rights implications. if you ask me woodrow made the real mistake.

I am quite sorry I even opened my mouth at this point in time :P

Edited By: braden on May 16th 2011, 1:48:42. Reason: crack addiction
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