
Jiman Game profile


May 17th 2011, 6:35:20

I agree with both statements made by Dagga and iScode.

I think SOL pulled through and did an amazing job. There were certain aspects that SOL had to work on to perform at its peak, but we did extremely well this set never the less. A good portion of solers able to get to war room, extreme walling, strong unexpected rushes, well rounded war countries etc.

I also agree that LCN and Imag did not do a great job this war. A lot of single country's hitting out of war chat for example. Breakers that could be used were not breaking. As well as really slow kills.

In the end iScode, SOL did win this war. Both sides participated in it, just with varying degree's of skill in different area's.

SOL won this war themselves as much as Imag and LCN lost the war themselves. No if and or buts. That is how it is. Plain and simple.

Edited By: Jiman on May 17th 2011, 6:38:37
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