
Drow Game profile


May 29th 2011, 4:28:21

Comwood was the president of paradigm and the earthstats hosting site, where our boards used to reside were owned by him. Unfortunately, these were taken down, and whilst we have made many efforts to contact comwood, so far we have had no success.
Basically, close to the end of the original earth:2025 game, before OMAC shut it down, Comwood had a major server crash in ES. he got it up and running somewhat, but it never worked quite right again, and we had a sdhort period of activity from him. awhile after EE was started, es went down again, this time for good, and many alliances got caught short and had to change to boxcar. Comwood had become less and less active as time had gone by in paradigm, due to his real life activities, and also the birth of his children.

Edited By: Drow on May 29th 2011, 21:24:34
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Paradigm President of failed speeling