
Klown Game profile


Jul 14th 2011, 1:32:27

Originally posted by Rolangunslinger:
I am libertarian, and the GOP and Dems are both full of fluff. One cuts taxes and spends too much, the other raises taxes and still spends too much.
Once my paycheck runs out, I have to stop spending. It has worked for me for years. How about the government showing the same responsibility.

I can't really put all the blame on the political parties. The public is just as much to blame as the government. The public demands the government not touch the entitlement programs and to not raise taxes, while at the same demands they cut the deficit. We can't have it both ways. The big three entitlement programs plus the interest on the debt currently equals our entire revenue. The entire bureaucracy and the military is funded entirely through deficit spending because all revenues are eaten by the entitlements.

Unless the public is willing to accept entitlement cuts or taxes increases without voting the politicians that vote for them out of office, were screwed.

Edited By: Klown on Jul 14th 2011, 1:40:43
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