
Neurotic Outsider Game profile


Jul 14th 2011, 23:03:02

What we need to do is step up our Immigrations & Customs Enforcement, give them the kinds of information that places like the Dept. of Workforce Services have, allow them to arrest and deport illegals in this country with 'no-knock warrants'. This would cut down on the strain on our welfare programs, as well as keep them from employment where they can work as many jobs as they please, paying absolutely nothing to the Federal government, as they aren't citizens of this country. Illegals pay no federal or state income taxes, no Social Security, Medicaid, or any of the things OUR tax money goes towards. So they're screwing us multiple times. I say be rid of them, this would open up jobs as those who had filled them before are now on their way back to the countries they came from. More jobs equals lower unemployment. Lower unemployment means more people are working, putting their money back into the economy, and while the problem we're having won't be solved immediately, it will become solved over time.

Also, we could save MORE money by taking those who are currently imprisoned for decades long to life sentences, send those pricks to these countries, we'd save $4,000 per prisoner, and save close to $8 billion alone a year getting rid of our prison populations instead of using OUR tax dollars to keep them 'in storage' until they're either released or put to death.

Edited By: Neurotic Outsider on Jul 14th 2011, 23:07:54
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You want to antagonize me, antagonize me motherfluffer! Get in the ring, motherfluffer and I’ll kick your fluffy little ass! PUNK! — W. Axl Rose.