
Terror Game profile


Jul 28th 2011, 14:24:41

You didn't have time to get farmed Spawn, you got assassinated. Had oil prices dropped, you would have been farmable.

LS, you just don't read carefully. I didn't say I wanted death. I was only responding to the option that was given. I can't see why you are so blind to the fact that my communication was in response to your member's very definitely threatening message. Besides, the action I took was a PS. A PS!--not a suicide. Who in the history of the game leads a suicide with a PS of all their military? It kinda doesn't work!

So you felt like a rep casher full of turrets was going to open a can of whipass on you? You are so full of crap.

Yes, in the future I will be less ignorant of my FA options, but at least I tell you what I think without spinning it all to hell. Actually the fact that you seem to not recognize your own nature makes you less trustworthy. As it stands, you are either an idiot, insane, or disrespectful. I'm thinking it's the last.

Edited By: Terror on Jul 28th 2011, 14:50:15. Reason: punctuation
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