
hanlong Game profile


Jul 29th 2011, 5:47:25

fazer: the answer is yes.

i received no FA last reset and finished t10. tagged of course. and i'm obviously not the only example. there's countless of such examples from many alliances (evo/laf included, as well as many other ppl such as sof/sol even, omega puts up t10s, sanct has a guy (ley i believe) who puts up unaided t10s etc. etc.). despite what the flaming is leading you to believe, it's actually a pretty common occurrance to have non FA-ed tagged t10 now. hell bakku won last reset with no FA with a record breaking NW. i dont think t10 without FA is that hard these days. i didn't play in the first few resets of EE and came back recently, and last reset was the first time i tried netgaining and from what i remember 9 of the 10 top 10s didn't do what we term "unlegit" (aka FA/market buyout/land from own alliance).. so i thought it was a pretty good reset in terms of "t10 without FA". not saying it's easy either.. it does require some luck as well as skills and a lot of time ;P

i dont think untagged is possible though unless you are counting "untag yourself last minute". and no one is stupid enough to do that anyways just for the sake of being the first untagged t10.

speaking of techers and finishes, i personally have 3 alliance rank 1s as a techer (none in the EE era though).

i think more often than not, techers are usually on top... but of course if there's too many techers (like this reset) then tech prices would tank and casher/farmers will win.

Edited By: hanlong on Jul 29th 2011, 6:02:18
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Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia